AgingCare’s editorial team ensures all content provided by AgingCare is accurate, trustworthy, and relevant to the topic of caregiving. AgingCare welcomes article submissions that are aligned with the mission and purpose of our organization and meet our quality standards. Every article is subjected to AgingCare’s editorial review process to meet strict publishing requirements.
When providing content for AgingCare, authors have agreed to provide original content. Content should not be published or planned for publication anywhere other than Articles must be relevant to our topic areas and adhere to our page limitations, use of accurate citations, and editorial review process. Published articles are subject to ongoing editorial review for accurateness and timeliness.
AgingCare protects the intellectual property of original works and expects authors to cite referenced works. An article that is found to have plagiarized content or has included copyright material without sufficient acknowledgment of the original source will be edited for corrective action or removed entirely from
All information, materials, content and/or advice provided through published articles is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional, financial, medical, legal or other advice. Readers should consult with an appropriately trained specialist for all concerns that require medical, legal, financial or other professional advice.
Articles published by “Expert” contributors are not paid for their work. Links relevant to the authors’ area of expertise are provided in the best interest of our readers and are not indicative of sponsored material.
The materials produced by or for AgingCare are protected by copyright as a collective work or compilation under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. All individual articles, content, and other elements comprising this compilation and produced by or for are also copyrighted works.
AgingCare is committed to serving as a trusted authority providing actionable content for seniors and their caregivers. We believe that the content we publish should be available to the widest possible audience. Third parties who request to reprint or reproduce AgingCare content are handled in accordance with the Content Reuse Policy.