Agingcare provides members a forum to submit comments, ask and answer questions, and participate in community discussions. All content posted on forums is the responsibility of the party posting such content. Participation on this site by a member does not imply endorsement of any other party’s content, products or services.
To use the Sites and/or Services, you must be of legal age to enter into a binding contract and not be prohibited from using the Sites and/or Services by the laws of the jurisdiction from which you access the Sites and/or Services.
To maintain a respectful dialogue, we’ve created the following guidelines for our members who post content. Further information can be found in our Terms of Use.
All viewpoints are welcome, but all comments should remain relevant to eldercare, related issues, and caregiver support. Responses should respect the unique experience and perspective of each member. For accuracy and ease of use, please use complete sentences with attention to spelling and punctuation. Use whole words when possible to clarify content and avoid unknown abbreviations and “text talk.” Please post your question or comment in the appropriate topic.
Personal attacks and threatening language are prohibited and will be removed. Avoid the use of profanity and be respectful of others’ sensitivities. Do not post offensive or discriminatory remarks towards groups of people based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status or sexual orientation/gender identity.
Advertisement, of any sort, is not permitted. Mass solicitation, promotional content, and links to outside sources will be disabled or removed. Efforts to solicit users directly, including through the use of personal messaging, will be removed. Users wishing to advertise should contact AgingCare by phone or complete a contact form.
For your safety, our staff will remove any personal information posted. prohibits the sharing of your email address, phone number, address, or full name in the public forum. Members help us manage forums and monitor forum rules. We do not prescreen user content. Report a post you feel violates our policies by using the “report post” feature.
We retain the right to determine which comments violate this Member Comment Policy and shall have, in its sole discretion, the right to edit, refuse or remove any member comments and content from the site. The views expressed within posted comments do not necessarily reflect those of
Site leadership and forum moderators may enact the following strikes policy at their discretion:
• First strike: 7-day suspension
• Second strike: 14-day suspension
• Third strike: Permanent account closure
Site leadership reserves the right to skip the strikes process and close accounts immediately based on member conduct. Moderators do not have the authority to reverse suspensions or removals and will not discuss them with other members.
Our Terms of Use governs Our Member Comment policy. is intended to be used for lawful purposes only. You may not post on the site any content that is libelous, false, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, harassing or threatening, or violates the rights of others. You agree that, in submitting user content, you will only submit content that is reasonably related to the subject matter of the online discussion or site feature, as applicable.
We reserve the right, but undertake no duty to review, edit, move or delete, in our sole discretion and without notice, any material posted by users on online question and answers or discussions which we may include on the site. The nature of this site is interactive and public. You cannot expect that communications through our site will remain "private" or otherwise free of our review. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for a precise statement concerning your expectations of privacy. All member content shall be the property of AgingCare.
This Member Comment Policy is valid for all discussions on and applies to any content posted by a user. We encourage your participation in our discussion and look forward to the continued active exchange of ideas.