To further our mission of providing readily-accessible quality content and valuable resources for seniors and their caregivers, AgingCare receives funding from advertisements and third-party affiliate links. AgingCare maintains a clear and complete separation of editorial policy and advertising. The editorial team maintains full control of content represented on We only accept advertisement relevant to seniors and their caregivers that aligns with our mission and we reserve the right to reject, cancel, or remove any ads from at any time.
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Advertising must be easily identifiable and clearly labeled as “Advertisement.”
Any user who clicks on an advertisement should understand our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Pharmaceutical ads are only accepted for approved indication as determined by the Food and Drug Administration.
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Members who receive emails from AgingCare may see ads in our email newsletters. Additionally, email messages from AgingCare may be sent on behalf of our partners. Members may opt out of receiving email at any time.
Sections of content that are funded or provided by an advertiser are considered sponsored material. Editorial content that is sponsored by an advertiser must be of benefit to users by providing information relevant to seniors and their caregivers and is subject to AgingCare's editorial policy. Sponsored content is not accepted that breaches any third-party intellectual property rights. Sponsored publications must be labeled as such, and the sponsoring organizations must be readily identified. AgingCare's acceptance of sponsored material is not considered an endorsement of the product or service.
Articles or content sections for which AgingCare receives compensation will be labeled as “Sponsored by:”
Affiliate links are provided for the convenience of users, and function completely separately from the editorial process. AgingCare receives compensation from conversion of these links from the retailer. No cost increase is ever passed on to the consumer for use of an affiliate link.
In addition to informational resources for seniors and family caregivers, AgingCare provides resources and personalized assistance in finding senior housing and care. We help families find options based on a loved one's stated needs and preferences and empower them to make informed decisions. This may include independent living, home care, residential care homes, assisted living, specialized memory care and skilled nursing. Based on the family's stated needs and preferences, we provide the family with information about contracted Providers (“Participating Providers”) and we forward the family's information to those Participating Providers. Families can review detailed information about local and national Participating Providers, and get personalized, knowledgeable assistance by telephone from a Care Advisor. The service is offered at no charge to families as the Participating Providers pay a fee to AgingCare.
Each Participating Provider is responsible for the content of the information posted on its page or on the Site. The information does not represent our views, or any individual associated with us, and we do not control this content. We do not vouch for the accuracy or completeness of any of the information posted by and/or for the Participating Provider on the Site, and do not take any responsibility or assume any liability for any actions you may take as a result of reading the information posted by and/or for the Participating Provider on the Sites. By using the Site and/or Services, you assume all associated risks.
We exercise no independent judgment as to the quality of, nor do we recommend or endorse, any Participating Provider. We provide only an information service and do not (1) place the consumer in any Participating Provider, (2) perform any medical assessment of or for the consumer or the Participating Provider, or (3) participate in the consumer's and Participating Provider's decision regarding final selection or admittance. Further, we are not a representative of or agent for either the consumer or the Participating Provider and do not act on either's behalf. It is the responsibility solely of the Participating Provider and the potential resident, and/or the potential resident's family and care provider(s) and/or other involved parties acting on the potential resident's behalf to determine if any person is an appropriate admission to the Participating Provider. AgingCare does not broker, sell or lease space directly and is not a party to any transaction between the provider and the family.