Great information. Thank you for posting. It is so important for seniors to get the shingles vaccine. This information is really helpful to me as well

Here's a better alternative to prescription antiviral drugs for speeding up the recovery from shingles. These can also be used to prevent a shingles outbreak when the fist tingling sensations are felt.

Shingles Healing Protocol

   1. Tagamet HB 200 mg (an over-the-counter antacid!). Starting immediately upon appearance of symptoms and until symptoms subside:
         - 200 mg, 3 times per day
         - 400 mg at bedtime

   2. Vitamin C. Start with 3000 mg every 30 minutes until a single episode of loose stool occurs (not quite diarrhea). This is called “bowel tolerance” and is the point beyond which any more Vitamin C is being wasted. If you don't have an episode of loose stool after 15 hours, increase to 4000 mg of Vitamin C every 30 minutes. Once loose stool occurs, reduce intake to 2000 mg of Vitamin C every hour. Adjust dosage as necessary to prevent further loose stool while also relieving shingles symptoms. Continue Vitamin C until shingles symptoms subside.

   3. Olive Leaf Extract. Try to find a product that contains at least 20% oleuropein (the active ingredient). Take 1000 mg 4 times per day until shingles symptoms subside. (This is a great everyday supplement, too. Take 1000 mg twice a day as a maintenance dose.)

   4. L-Lysine (an amino acid). Take 1000–1500 mg three times per day until symptoms subside. (This is a good everyday supplement, too. Take 1000 mg daily.)

   5. Rhus toxicodendron (homeopathic remedy made from poison ivy). Try this after blisters appear. Take 3 to 5 pellets every few hours (3 to 4 times a day) and continue until shingles symptoms subside.

Best advice today is steer clear of all vaccines especially the Flu vaccine. For help with an outbreak Peppermint essential oil mixed with Jojoba oil will help with the itching and Lavender essential neat is a truly wonderful healing oil.

Shingrix is a highly effective shingles vaccine (like 80% or higher, if memory serves)-on the market since January 2018, recommended for people over the age of 50! I think the CDC has not updated their recommendations saying that one should get immunized over age 60. It involves two shots, spaced 2-6 months apart. I received the shots at my local neighborhood pharmacy and my BCBS paid for the immunization, I pd $25 each time for administration.
Being immunized brings me major relief from worry because a family member had permanent damage from shingles. My odds are now excellent, way better than with the older vaccine, of not getting shingles.

My father had an outbreak of shingles in July, it's now the end of September and nothing seems to help his pain. He'll be 88 in October and had been doing quite well physically and mentally until then. Now he is uncomfortable most of the time and I worry that he'll never get better.

To make matters worse, dad had a bad fall a few weeks ago and ended up in the ER. He spent a couple of nights in the hospital and has only gotten marginally better. We were fortunate that we were able to get him and my mother (she has dementia) into assisted living about 2 days after that.

My husband and I trying hard to make sure my parents are well cared for. The AL facility is top notch, but both of my parents are often confused and seem to have trouble asking for help when they need it. We expected this with my mother, but feel troubled that my father is almost as bad. This is a big change in his personality and I'm sure it's because of shingles. What a horrible illness.

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