You better be real careful with doing so, and have a financial back up plan. That is especially true if the person you are caring for has high needs, or needs that will likely dramatically increase. I took on doing this due to multiple aides the Long Term Care insurance sent being dismal. Had I would have known what I was in for I would have likely made very different decisions.

There seems to be a real issue with Long Term Care insurance being willing to actually pay for hours that an insured member needs. My family member meets all the requirements for full-time care hours: paralyzed enough to have to be transported, cannot reliably open a bottle of water, cannot toilet themselves, requires assistance with most everything, would be in a nursing home without around the clock in home care services. Despite meeting all the requirements to receive the full 40 hours per week Medicaid allots, the greedy Long Term Care insurance refuses to provide the member all available hours. This is despite multiple requests, letters from her physician, and repeat appeal processes. They just refuse. Most high needs care recipients (Alzheimer's, disabled, etc.) require someone to live with them 24/7. Yet, the Long Term Care insurance will refuse to pay for all hours BECAUSE you live with the member, they will deny it saying you could also be benefiting from the services like housekeeping. That is even the case when you detail out all hours and tasks required for the member 7 days a week and prove that none of them are going to your benefit, and it is only for the member. They literally do not want to pay.

It has been an open secret that I have been working up to 17 hour days 7 days a week. Guess what, the Long Term Care insurance does not give a rat's a**. In Florida, the state mandated that all care worker pay be raised to a minimum of $15 per hour. After that, suspiciously the Long Term Care insurance company cut my disabled family member's hours dramatically. This was with no reported change in status, and they refused to reinstate them despite repeat letters from the member's physician instructing them to do so. They simply keep sending you to appeals, denying the appeals, and then tell you to fight it through a Medicaid hearing. They are absolutely intent on not paying full hours that Medicaid allots to fully disabled people. The case managers are also brazen about what is going on. The prior long-term care insurance case manager she had literally said "you know they're just doing it for financial reasons, right?" in response to them cutting member care hours. I then spoke with a new case manager (the first one transferred to another department), telling her they cut the member's hours after the state mandated all care worker pay be increased to $15 an hour. She literally casually responded "oh yeah, they did that with all members. I have members telling me "they cut my hours, I need my care hours back". Unfortunately, there is typically a monopoly with long-term care insurance companies. The one that my mother is with was sanctioned $9 million dollars for denying legitimate claims for sick children. They were also recently sued by their own corporate employees for not paying overtime. Yet, they still are allowed to operate and deny vulnerable, elderly, medically needy and disabled people the care hours they deserve. It's absolutely disgusting.

On a personal level, I have essentially been shoved into domestic servitude against my will. I left my corporate job to care for my disabled medically frail relative. After the mandate they cut her care hours (as all other members), and continue to try to cut them more. Yet, I am in a situation where the member still needs same care labor hours performed yet I am now doing it without pay they refuse to provide for it. It's f*****g unreal. I feel pushed into domestic servitude against my will. They know members choose family as PDO then exploit the dynamic by removing hours and pay. BE CAREFUL.

If your LO has Medicaid Long Term Care, then you can be employed to be the caregiver, based on his assessed needs (by the Care Manger of the insurance company through which he receives his Medicaid Long Term Care). It is low pay and is according to the State (not the insurance company). But it can be very helpful for those who decide to use it. If he does not have Medicaid, then you need to fill out the application to apply; it is rather easy to fill the application (even on-line) but the waiting period could be very long. Google the Area Agency on Aging and call them for assistance.

I am trying to find out how I can get paid to take care of the day to day help to take care of my aging father. I work full time but it has become way to hard for me to work every day and try to take proper care of him. He has all sorts of medical issues and I do not feel safe leaving him at home for 8 hours a day alone. Can someone help guide me in the right direction. My father must come first! The problem I am facing is that I have my own responsibilities and bills that must be paid to.
Thank you for any help I can get, Karen

CAN a veteran receive medicade

Brother is under hospice care,he is unable to care for himself. I take full time care of him in my home. CAN I receive extra income for this.

Medicaid pays for long term care, limited amount of in home caregiving, Medicare does not pay for either of those things.

I have read many questions and answers with regards to caregivers elderly parents and payment by state agencies. One thing I keep seeing is the word, medicaid ?! After the age of 65 those on medicaid are re routed to medicare, why do the answers keep referring to medicaid? Referring to aging and elderly shouldn't answers be based on the medicare system? Thank you.

This is for ksue5036 who wrote that her mom has 2 houses in her name, so she couldn't get Medicaid or any other help. I've been a real estate broker for over 32 years. I joined Aging Care to read about what others are doing with regard to caring for thier parents, so I can make some decisions about my own care as it becomes necessary. I am 74, and in relatively good health, and still working in real estate, mostly bcause it keeps my mind sharp and I can really help other people benefit from my experience. As for people who own homes, it is really important to approach the subject of passing title/ownership down to children before a crisis starts or before health starts a rapid decline, especially dementia or Altz. If the houses have no mortgage, they can be quit-claimed to the next of kin. The other option is to get a reverse mortgage on them, which would pay for long term care. You may still be able to do that. You could sell one house and keep the other for income.

I am my mom's caregiver. I had to file for an extension on tax filing because the only option seemed to be filing as small business and the taxes were way too high and I have no idea how to file. Made barely above poverty level income wise and they wanted over $1300 in federal tax !! thx for any wisdom.

My mom took a turn for the worse in her Dementia status and I had to place her in an assisted living facility. I had to handle all of her affairs and still do. I do all of her bills and paperwork for her prescriptions, healthcare and personal needs. Her affairs take up a large amount of my time. May I be compensated for my time?

We have mother, 93 with Alzheimer's, with us since 6-2006. My wife had to quit work in 2010 because she could not be left alone. I retired in 2012. Instead of getting paid, which could be questioned and she agreed, as well as my brother, who lives in WY, she would help with the bills, less than $1500 a month. This has worked out nicely and the money has lasted this long, and she still has some left, but would not have had she been placed in a nursing home. All her accounts and insurance payouts would have been long gone by now and chances are she would not still be here either. We have a signed statement, from my brother, that he is fine with this arrangement. We are honest people that have not spent a penny of hers if it was not for her, including vacations. We have taken 3, one week long vacations, since 2006 and a few 2 day getaways, leaving her with either family or respite care providers. We don't answer to anyone and all her Dr.s and medical professionals constantly commend us on her care. Her kidney's are starting to fail and she may not be with much longer, but we will all be here until the end. This arrangement may not work for everyone, but it has for us. God bless everyone, especially caretakers, and have a blessed day.

For whatever state you live in, google the Area Agency on Agency. They are helpful and can help apply for Medicaid LTC eligibility to see if you or your LO are eligible for the LTC program. If you or your LO is successful at getting into the Medicaid Long Term Care Program, you will be assigned a Case Manager who will go over the program (PDO) in which you can be hired and paid through the Consumer Direct State program to provide care the LO. This is all if your LO qualifies and is eligible for Medicaid Long Term Care.
IF NOT qualified, then seek an elder care attorney for other options.

It seems that to be paid- the elderly person receiving care has to be dirt poor to collect all sorts of benefits and payments and programs or very wealthy and pay for everything privately. In-between is where family caregivers end up out of luck. Contact elder law for ideas and your area agency for aging

For Florida, call the Area Agency on Aging (google it). The one for Tampa is called the Senior Connection Center (google it). They can help apply for Medicaid for the Long Term Care insurance plan. Or you can go directly to Medicaid to apply. Or you can hire an elder attorney to help get through all the paperwork.

Once your loved one gets Medicaid Long Term Care, then they need to select a health insurance provider by calling Choice Counseling -877-711-3662. Once your loved one is set up with the LTC, the Case Manager from that insurance company will set up an appointment to meet. Then based on what the needs of the loved one is, either the Case Manager (CM) can set up service with a contracted agency, OR, discuss with you the PDO (Participant Direction Option) program in which your loved one hires a worker, say you, and would need to also have in the plans for someone for a backup person. You have to go through a Level 2 background check and then you can be hired to provide the care. It is not a lot of money, but it is something, and the amounts are set by the State (Medicaid) itself. Again, for Florida, google Florida Medicaid Long Term Care program ..... there is a "Snapshot" , check that out. You can also check out the website and find your way to the "Statewide Medicaid Managed Care" page, scroll down and there are a lot of PDF's to open, one with a map of the regions of Florida, one is a snapshot of LTC and another for MMA.

If your loved one can qualify for the state medicaid long-term-care program, then they can receive personal care services, homemaking services and companion care services. If they qualify they select an insurance company provider and the services can be provided through their contracted agencies, or through an option in which family/friends (who qualify with background checks, etc.) can provide the care and be paid. It is not a lot. But it is something. They also can receive supplies like pull-ups or diapers, underpads, and the like.
Talk to the Area Agency on Aging for more information and other assistance.

I am living in my 70 year old mother's home to take care of her since she is forgetting things frequently and doesn't comprehend what the doctor's are telling her. She has no way of paying me. I am looking for financial assistance for myself.

I have a mother and law i dearly love age 90 who leave with my single sister and law she works part time to get by.Its very expensive to leave in hawaii shes barely making it through financially. Is there a program she can get paid in state of Hawaii?

Where to apply to get income so I can keep caring for my mom. She has a rare cancer for about 2 years now. She is starting a new treatment plan soon.

I've been caring for my mother for 6 years now, without income. Is there a program in Delaware County that will pay me to care for her? She doesn't have much SSI, so I don't want a program that will ask her to pay for me, caring for her. Please, any help would be greatly appreciated!

How Do I Get Paid For Taking Care Of A Friend Of My Mother? My Mother Passed Away In 2010 I`ve Been Taking Care Of Now 96 Soon To Be 97 Year Old If The Lord Spares Her Until Jan. 28th She Will Be 97 Along With The Help Of Others While I Was Working , I Retired 2013, The Last Girl I Have Will Be Leaving In February , I Will Be Doing The Caregiving , She Is On Hospice Nurse Comes Once A Week, She Lives Alone , No Relatives, Totally Blind , But We Manage I`ve Know Her Since A Child , So She`s Comfortable With Me, How Can I Know Where To Go To Apply For Getting Paid For Her? Thank You

How much do they pay??

How much do they pay, is it weekly

Where do í Apply to get paid to take care of my mom

Need income for taking care of my mother

Kingpin, did you read the article? Caregiver children are paid, in most cases if parent has the resources to do so.

I have been taking care of my elderely parents for 2 years. I had to quit my job to do so. How do I get paid for this care?

How can I get paid for taking care of my mother at home as she has alzheimers, so I had to quit my job. I live in Kansas.

I have lived with my mother off and on. First time was after her heart attack. I had to leave my home, my job and the area to move in. I took care of my mother and father who had mild Alzheimer's. I stayed for a year and left because I was offered my old job back. By then my mother had recovered sufficiently to care for my dad. Nine months later he had gotten so bad that I once again had to leave everything to move in again. Six months later we had to put him a Memory Care facility where he died 3 years later. I once again moved away, this time to a new area and a new job. My mom got worse and again I moved in with her and went on Social Security when I turned 62. She has progressively gotten worse and was recently hospitalized. Her care is more intensive and I do everything...bath her, do all the housework, cook, clean, take her to her dr appts. I would do it all over again for my dear mother, but my Social Security doesn't cover all my expenses and I was wondering if I could get paid for being her caregiver. I live in the state of Washington.

I live in Foley Alabama & am inquiring about getting compensated for the care of my Mom.

I live in Florida and had to leave my job to take care of my elderly mother. Is there any compensation for people like me?

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