Where do you get a medigap policy? I have no clue.

With respect to the passport problem. Is she well enough to travel, Can she sign her name. Are you sure she will not be a burden. What is your brothers reason for not releasing the passport. Have you spoken to the doctor. If all the answers are positive then apply for a new passport, get pictures and on the application claim old passport was lost. I hesitate to be the source of this advice and I must disclaim any responsibility.

I have no position....he is poa even though I am 24/7 primary caregiver...

This is a common problem with some members of family who hinder patient travel. If your brother feels that mother will be more of a problem in strange environments respect his position. If she is ambulatory and cognizant he should not have any objection but I would let the doctor have the deciding voice yes or no. If yes then you have a strong position.

Thank you! Now how do I get my bro who has mom's passport to hand it over so we can take my mom on her dream vacation. She has dementia & he thinks it doesn't matter because she won't remember....

Always best to purchase travel and emergency hospital insurance before you travel and forget Medicare.

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