Marlo assists with the journalistic direction of, researching and writing articles on all aspects of elder care. Serving as a contributing editor since’s inception in 2007, her primary goal is to provide family caregivers with quality information that is engaging, informative and supportive.


Many older adults experience a loss of taste and no longer enjoy the foods they once loved. Depending on the underlying cause, a doctor may be able to suggest treatment options and methods of coping with this problem.

Whether you’re taking care of a spouse or caring for elderly parents, stress can play a big part in being a caregiver. Learn to recognize the signs of caregiver stress and discover ways to decrease the strain you’re under.

Moving your elderly parent into an assisted living facility is never easy, but it can be made less painful for caregivers, family and most importantly, the elder.

As a caregiver, you may wonder if it’s time to add a geriatrician to an aging loved one’s care team. Any senior can benefit from a geriatric physician, but this decision depends on an elder’s unique healthcare needs.

Having all information regarding a senior's health, diseases, doctors and medications in one place ensures everything is easily accessible when you need it most. Use this Medical Information Checklist to help you stay organized.

U.S. veterans (and their families) are entitled to many government programs and benefits in exchange for their service to our country.

The treatment plan for cancer in the elderly depends mainly on the type of cancer and the stage of the disease.

Adults over age 65 are at a much higher risk of developing and possibly dying from pneumonia. Learn what factors can contribute to this risk and how you can protect your loved one.

My Health Vet is an online web-based service for personal health records and prescriptions refills – some great vet assistance tools for veterans and their caregivers.

Choosing a nursing home for a senior is a difficult process. Use this checklist to ensure you ask all the important questions while touring skilled nursing facilities and to help you find the right fit for your aging loved one.

Telling family that an elderly parent has Alzheimer's Disease is a hard discussion to have. Here are some tips that can help caregivers break the news.

Dementia caregivers are often anxious about their aging loved ones’ ability to attend an adult day center. Fortunately, there are adult day care programs that provide specialized services and activities for seniors with cognitive impairment.

Use this checklist to guide you in your search for an adult day care center that best fits your aging loved one’s needs and your own need for respite care.

Strokes are devastating health events that can leave elderly loved ones permanently disabled. After a senior has a stroke and is released from the hospital, a good rehabilitation center may be the key to their recovery.

When a senior needs extra help recovering from a surgery or hospital stay, choosing the right rehabilitative care ensures your loved one has the best chances of regaining their health and independence.

Healthy, two-way communication can help family members understand and interact with one another more effectively. Use these tips to improve communication with a senior.

Elderly scams are the most common form of fraud. Here are some tips for caregivers to help their elderly parents avoid becoming victims of scams.

Dementia is a group of disorders differing in progression and parts of the brain affected. Learn differences between: Alzheimer's, Vascular Dementia, Lewy Body Dementia, and Frontotemporal Dementia.

Whether you are dealing with an angry, hostile elder or seeking answers on how to deal with irrational aging parents, we’ve compiled 10 difficult behaviors that elders exhibit and tips for coping with each of them.

Music is increasingly common at funeral services, memorials and celebrations of life, but finding the right selections can be difficult while grieving. Browse suggestions for contemporary, religious and traditional funeral songs.

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