We are a family-owned business.
Tindol is the maiden name of the owner, Panna Tindol Jones, and Tindol Hereford, her oldest granddaughter, is named after Panna’s Dad, Melvin Tindol. Yes, it gets confusing. Hence the name, Tindol Health Care.
Panna is a Registered Nurse and has been in the home care industry for over 30 years. Tindol worked in our families’ first home care business in Oklahoma, when she was a teenager. Her job was to deliver doctor’s orders and file. Tindol now serves our home care businesses as the Chief Operations Officer. She has come a long way!
Currently, several members of the Tindol family work in both our Four K Health Care and Tindol Home Care agencies in various capacities. As well as our many team members who may not be related by blood but still are a big part of our Tindol Health family.