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mizphylk Asked August 2015

Has anyone heard of C DIFF?

My 88 year old mother is in a nursing home and was seen by a Bio-Medical technician ordered by her doctor. The nurse at the home could only tell me it has to do with her bowels and could be contagious. They do not have her in isolation. When I went to see her today after I used the bathroom in her room and kissed her is when the nurse told me. Her doctor told me to ask the nurse. The only info she gave me was it has to do with her bowels and could be contagious. The nurse wrote down the name of the condition for me. Now I am concerned about myself. I am 68. I tried looking up the word on Google and could not find it. Should I contact my doctor? I don't have an appointment until next year.

GardenArtist Aug 2015
Sorry to learn you have some issues too; I hope it's under control as much as possible.

This must be hard on your mom, being ill but not being able to express herself.

Just as a precaution, it's my understanding that C-Diff is hard to eradicate; my aunt had it repeatedly. So if it does rear its ugly head again, don't be surprised.

But I'll think positively and hope this is the first and last experience with it!

mizphylk Aug 2015
Thank you Garden Artist. I was able to look it up based on your link. I will contact my doctor and see if I can get in sooner. I kissed her. I personally have GERDS, have had surgery for diverticulitis and continue to have digestive problems. I do take probiotics daily and hope that will help me. Bless her heart. She has dementia and has a difficult time speaking, all she does is scream.


GardenArtist Aug 2015
Looks like we both posted just about the same time!

GardenArtist Aug 2015
You're sure it wasn't C-Diff? The "O" could look like a "D" depending on the handwriting.

If that's what it is, here's some basic but helpful information:

Guestshopadmin Aug 2015
C D I F F. Very nasty bug


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