Caregiver Anger

  • All Caregivers Have Angry Days

    As a caregiver, I know I'm allowed to have an 'angry day' now and again. During those times, I try to remind myself of the little things that Charlie does that I really love.

  • Apologizing After Caregiver Stress Causes a Blowup

    Caregiving is a stressful job even during the best of times. Don't be too hard on yourself if you blow up from time to time but do look for reasons why you are feeling angry or frustrated and learn how to offer a sincere apology.

  • Coping With Caregiver Anger

    Feelings of anger, frustration and resentment are all too common when caring for an aging loved one. Identifying how you cope with these emotions can help you devise strategies for managing caregiver anger in healthier ways.

  • Overcoming Negative Emotions While Caregiving

    How does a caregiver break the cycle of negative thinking? Learn to manage feelings of resentment, anger and guilt brought about by caring for an elderly loved one.

  • Dementia and Anger: Causes, Tips, and Prevention

    Cognitive changes are a leading cause of dementia anger and aggression. Learn more about causes, coping strategies, and prevention here.

  • How to Engage in Self-Care While Grieving

    Grief is an inescapable part of caregiving. We mourn an aging loved one’s physical and cognitive losses as they decline and eventually mourn their death. Self-care is vital to a caregiver’s physical and mental health throughout the grieving process.

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  • Recognizing Caregiver Burnout

    Caregiver burnout doesn't happen all at once—it often sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Learn how to recognize the signs of increasing stress, understand your own limits and maintain honest self-awareness throughout the caregiving journey.

  • Seniors Behaving Badly in Long-Term Care Facilities

    It’s impossible to anticipate how a senior may interact with other residents and staff in settings like assisted living facilities and nursing homes, but staff should be prepared to handle difficult interpersonal issues and defuse tensions.

  • In Pain? Blame Your Brain

    One of the most frustrating and debilitating forms of pain is chronic pain. Chronic pain can last for years and is hard to treat. Understanding the mind-body connection can help people cope with chronic pain.

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  • Top 3 Excuses From Siblings Who Don't Help With Caregiving

    When one sibling does all the caregiving for aging parents, it often breeds tension and resentment. Take an objective look at your siblings’ reasons for staying at arm’s length and learn how you can get everyone on the same page.

  • The Sacrifices of Caregiving

    Becoming a caregiver causes a major life shift. Many caregivers not only struggle with tough care decisions, but they also grapple with how to handle resentment over being stuck in a situation that seems to leave them few choices.

  • How to Deal With Aging Parents’ Difficult Behaviors

    Whether you are dealing with an angry, hostile elder or seeking answers on how to deal with irrational aging parents, we’ve compiled 10 difficult behaviors that elders exhibit and tips for coping with each of them.

  • Understanding and Minimizing Sundowning in Dementia Patients

    Sundown syndrome in dementia describes behavioral changes, such as anxiety, confusion, and restlessness, that typically occur as the sun begins to set.

  • Where-Oh-Where Has My Filter Gone?

    Recently, things have been slipping out of my mouth that are better left unsaid. I am asking myself if we all lose our filter as we age—the filter that keeps hurtful things from coming out at unexpected times.

  • Caring for a Loved One With Dementia and Paranoia

    As a symptom of dementia, paranoia causes a person to become suspicious, fearful, or jealous of other people with no evidence of any real danger.

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  • Dementia with Behavioral Disturbances: Behaviors, Causes, and Types

    Behavioral disturbances are common in dementia patients, however, dementia can still occur without any behavioral disturbances at all.

  • Agitation in Dementia: How to Prevent and Manage Symptoms

    Agitation causes anxiety, irritability, fidgeting, and restlessness in dementia patients. Learn to identify causes, manage symptoms, and prevent it.

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  • PTSD: Caregivers and Combat Veterans Share a Common Emotional Enemy

    Although PTSD is commonly associated with survivors of disasters, the emotional strain of caregiving can have serious and unexpected long-term effects on a caregiver’s mental health.

  • Do Alzheimer's Medications Cause Anger and Aggression?

    Anger and aggression is common among Alzheimer's patients, yet it's often hard to tell if it's a result of the disease or a side effect of the medications used to treat it.

  • How do you help a depressed elder when they lash out?

    Elderly people who are depressed have lost purpose in their lives, become mean and often lash out at others. When anyone expresses their desire to die, it is important to not take this comment lightly.

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