Caregiver Support Groups

  • Grief & Bereavement Top Tips: Where to Find Grief Counseling and Support Groups

    Bereavement groups are an important therapeutic tool for gaining information, outside support and coping strategies when dealing with loss. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best tips for seeking support after the death of a loved one.

  • A Self-Help Approach to Coping with Caregiver Stress

    It’s easy to get caught up in caregiving and let your own needs take a backseat, but your physical and mental health directly affect the quality of care you provide. Put yourself first by learning how to prioritize self-care and prevent caregiver burnout.

  • Discounts and Free Services for Seniors and Their Caregivers

    With so many older adults living on limited incomes, finding affordable products and services is crucial to making ends meet. Get the inside scoop on freebies and discounts available to you and your aging loved one.

  • Participating in a Caregiver Support Group May Make You Happier

    By participating in a support group and interacting with one’s peers, caregivers can combat loneliness, stress and caregiver burnout while improving their mood and receiving personalized advice and encouragement.

  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy May Help Family Caregivers Cope With Complicated Grief

    Caregivers and seniors may benefit from this little-known form of psychotherapy that targets the symptoms of prolonged grief and post-traumatic stress that can arise after a care recipient dies.

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  • My Wife’s Alzheimer's Transformed Our 40-Year Marriage

    When my wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, we thought our life, as we knew it, was over. But we've encountered some unexpected blessings along the way.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • How to Engage in Self-Care While Grieving

    Grief is an inescapable part of caregiving. We mourn an aging loved one’s physical and cognitive losses as they decline and eventually mourn their death. Self-care is vital to a caregiver’s physical and mental health throughout the grieving process.

  • Caring For Those in Chronic Pain: How Spouses Cope

    Becoming the primary caregiver for a spouse in chronic pain goes beyond what might be easily imaginable. Asking for help, staying social, and using humor are just a few of the many valuable suggestions for this difficult task.

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  • In Caregiving, Anxiety Can Be Contagious

    Family caregivers often find themselves in high-stress, high-stakes situations where anxiety and depression can quickly take root. Left unchecked, these natural emotions can endanger a caregiver’s health and even be transferred to their care recipient.

  • A New Generation of Caregivers: Grandchildren Taking Care of Grandparents

    In situations where seniors’ adult children aren’t willing or able to assist with their care, grandchildren are rising to the occasion. These younger caregivers face countless challenges, but there are resources available to help them navigate this role.

  • A Common Caregiver Confession: “I Secretly Wish My Ill Loved One Would Die”

    Watching an aging loved one decline is never easy, especially when they have a low quality of life. Caregivers experiencing burn out may wish for an end, not out of cruelty, but because they realize there is little they can do to help.

  • Am I Ready for This? Attending a Caregiver Support Group

    Family caregivers face difficult emotional and logistical challenges while caring for aging and ill loved ones. You’ve probably heard the suggestion to seek out a caregiver support group, but what exactly does that entail and is it a good fit for you?

  • Where Cancer Patients and Caregivers Can Go to Find Hope

    Cancer patients and caregivers can find support and strength as they undergo treatment by staying at one of the Hope Lodge communities run by the American Cancer Society. The best part? It's free.

  • Finding Caregiver Support Online

    Family caregivers face countless barriers to getting the support and guidance they need and deserve. Online support groups are accessible 24/7 for those seeking advice and encouragement.

  • Grief & Bereavement Top Tips: Prioritizing Self-Care After a Loved One Passes Away

    The forum is filled with people coming together to share valuable information. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best tips for taking care of yourself throughout the grieving process.

  • Grief & Bereavement Top Tips: Making Final Arrangements

    The forum is filled with people coming together to share valuable information. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best suggestions for making final arrangements for your loved one.

  • Alone No Longer

    Isolation is an unfortunately common side effect of being a family caregiver. Youth caregivers are especially vulnerable to feeling like they are all alone in their struggle. But there are ways these caregivers can connect with and support each other

  • Loving Yourself: A Caregiver’s Ultimate Challenge

    Many caregivers tend to lose sight of their value during long, difficult stints of providing care for those they love. Learn how to break out of this damaging mindset and assert your worth with these dos and don’ts.

  • Caregivers and Patients are Life-Long Teachers

    You've heard about the value of being a "life-long learner." But, the truth is that, all of us--caregivers and patients alike--are also life-long teachers of one another.

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  • Family Caregivers Benefit From Individualized Support

    Family caregivers face singular situations and may thus benefit from individualized support, according to a new study.

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