Becoming the primary caregiver for a spouse in chronic pain goes beyond what might be easily imaginable. Asking for help, staying social, and using humor are just a few of the many valuable suggestions for this difficult task.
1 CommentOne of the most frustrating and debilitating forms of pain is chronic pain. Chronic pain can last for years and is hard to treat. Understanding the mind-body connection can help people cope with chronic pain.
1 CommentPain is one of the most complex symptoms to treat. Sufferers aren’t always able to pinpoint exactly where they hurt, making the diagnosis and treatment tricky. But pain shouldn't keep your elderly loved one from enjoying activities they enjoy.
2 CommentsMaking a person who is dying more comfortable and alleviating physical pain is an important priority for family caregivers. Physical comfort and pain management should be the focus of providing end of life care.
0 CommentsWe’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best tips and suggestions for medications used to manage arthritis pain.
0 CommentsPalliative care provides symptom relief for seniors living with a severe illness. Services may include personalized therapies, nutrition advice, and more.
18 CommentsThere are legitimate uses for narcotic pain relievers, but these drugs can easily, unintentionally be abused. To keep your loved one safe, it's important to be aware of the dangers of narcotic painkillers.
3 CommentsExercise is important for seniors, but what do you do when joint pain gets in the way? These eight tips will help make working out more bearable for people with arthritis.
3 CommentsDentures can help seniors improve their confidence and quality of life. Use these expert tips to ensure dentures fit comfortably and learn how to properly care for a senior’s mouth after tooth loss.
25 CommentsRecent statistics indicate that the number of elders addicted to prescription medication is increasing by the day. Caregivers must be alert to the signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse.
0 CommentsYou've found a surgeon you trust, scheduled the procedure, and figured out which senior rehabilitation center your loved one will be staying in, but are you prepared for what comes after the surgery?
11 CommentsWhen fighting cancer, many of the most effective treatments can be accompanied by debilitating side effects. Here's how caregivers can help.
2 CommentsInsomnia is a bothersome condition often associated with fragmented sleep and fatigue. But when chronic sleep deprivation is left unchecked, it can take a serious toll on a senior’s physical and mental health.
3 CommentsWhen person's bones are thin and brittle, even a minor slip or fall can cause serious injury. For anyone over age 50, there is a very good chance that fall-related injuries are linked to osteoporosis.
1 CommentArthritis, poor circulation, neuropathy, gout and plantar fasciitis can cause seniors to experience foot pain and discomfort. Experienced caregivers share their tips for managing foot pain, which can improve a senior’s mobility and quality of life.
0 CommentsThe forum is filled with people coming together to share valuable information. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best tips and suggestions to prevent and relieve painful muscle cramps associated with Parkinson’s.
0 CommentsDoes pain cause depression, or does depression cause pain? Many research studies have been conducted to analyze the connection.
2 CommentsPodiatric issues like arthritis, structural foot deformities and complications from diabetes can make it hard for seniors to find shoes that fit properly. Family caregivers offer tips for finding and affording orthopedic shoes and custom orthotics.
0 CommentsSwollen extremities are common, especially during the heat of summer, but persistent swelling may point to a serious underlying condition. Experienced caregivers share their best tips for monitoring edema, reducing inflammation and improving circulation.
1 CommentMuscle cramps in the feet and legs can be very painful and typically become more common with age. Experienced family caregivers share their tips for preventing and relieving cramps and muscle spasms in elderly loved ones.