Violent Behaviors in the Elderly

  • Elderly Temper Tantrums: What's Behind the Outburst?

    We tend to think of temper tantrums as only pertaining to small children or teens, but even the elderly act out at times. Learn what's behind these angry outbursts and how to best handle them without losing your own temper.

  • Seniors Behaving Badly in Long-Term Care Facilities

    It’s impossible to anticipate how a senior may interact with other residents and staff in settings like assisted living facilities and nursing homes, but staff should be prepared to handle difficult interpersonal issues and defuse tensions.

  • UTIs Cause Unusual Behavioral Symptoms in Elders

    Seniors with urinary tract infections may not exhibit classic physical symptoms. Instead, confusion and mental and behavior changes can be the tell-tale signs of a UTI.

  • Dementia and Anger: Causes, Tips, and Prevention

    Cognitive changes are a leading cause of dementia anger and aggression. Learn more about causes, coping strategies, and prevention here.

  • How to Deal With Aging Parents’ Difficult Behaviors

    Whether you are dealing with an angry, hostile elder or seeking answers on how to deal with irrational aging parents, we’ve compiled 10 difficult behaviors that elders exhibit and tips for coping with each of them.

  • Sundown Syndrome Can Worsen During Fall and Winter Months

    Sundowning can happen with dementia patients year-round, but during autumn and winter, the effects can be magnified due to shorter, darker days. Be aware of the causes of and treatments for this dementia-related behavior.

  • Memory Care: The Greatest Gift We Could Give Mom

    The progression of her Alzheimer's disease over the last eight years had been pretty much textbook. Still, nothing could have prepared us for the process of putting mom in memory care.

  • Understanding and Minimizing Sundowning in Dementia Patients

    Sundown syndrome in dementia describes behavioral changes, such as anxiety, confusion, and restlessness, that typically occur as the sun begins to set.

  • Caring for a Loved One With Dementia and Paranoia

    As a symptom of dementia, paranoia causes a person to become suspicious, fearful, or jealous of other people with no evidence of any real danger.

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  • Inform the Authorities of Your Loved One's Dementia

    Alzheimer's and dementia often cause difficult behavioral changes that can easily become dangerous for both patients and their caregivers. Notifying the local police and EMS of your loved one's condition can help them better handle potential emergencies.

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  • Caregivers Can Be Abused, Too

    Although elderly and disabled individuals are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, family caregivers can also be targets of physical and emotional mistreatment. What can a caregiver do when they are being victimized by their care recipient?

  • Alzheimer's: Exploring Emotional Lability and Rage

    It's difficult for me to accept the personality changes that I may experience as my disease progresses. I'm worried about the future of my relationships, but addressing the issue head on is my best bet for gaining ongoing support.

  • Dementia Agitation and Medications

    Cognitive decline can cause a number of different emotional and behavioral issues that are especially challenging for caregivers. Sometimes the best option for reducing a patient's anxiety, depression, or combativeness is medication.

  • Armed and Aging: Should Seniors Be Allowed to Keep Guns?

    Just as many caregivers agonize over what to do about an older adult’s unsafe driving, more families are facing another serious dilemma: taking guns from elderly parents. An experienced caregiver weighs in on concerns about senior gun owners.

  • Handling Dementia Behaviors in Adult Day Care

    Adult day care staff members are trained to handle dementia behaviors, including: anxiety, hallucinations, wandering and aggression.

  • Dementia-related Behaviors: Managing Public Outbursts

    Any dementia caregiver who has been mortified by a loved one’s public meltdown has contemplated limiting the frequency of their outings. Use these tips to prevent and defuse agitation and handle meltdowns with tact.

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