Poor Hygiene in the Elderly

  • How to Persuade a Senior to Put on Clean Clothes

    The ability to dress and maintain hygiene are important activities of daily living (ADL) seniors lose the ability to accomplish. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ hands-on tips and suggestions for convincing a senior to put on clean clothes.

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  • The Truth About “Old People Smell”

    Many people believe the odor that sometimes permeates seniors’ homes and elder care facilities is a result of poor hygiene, but it is actually a natural part of aging.

  • How to Convince a Senior to Wear Adult Diapers

    Can’t get Mom to wear adult diapers? Addressing incontinence issues requires patience, understanding and a commitment to upholding a senior’s dignity. A caregiving expert shares her best tips for handling this delicate topic.

  • What to Do When a Senior Refuses to Bathe and Change Their Clothes

    When it comes to caring for the elderly, hygiene issues are surprisingly common. Determining why their personal hygiene habits have changed is the best way to devise a successful strategy for getting a senior to bathe and wear clean clothes.

  • Incontinence Care Tips: How to Eliminate Stains and Odors

    Caring for an elderly loved one often involves cleaning up incontinence accidents. We’ve compiled caregivers’ best tips and advice for getting rid of urine stains.

  • 6 Caregiver Tips for Convincing a Senior to Bathe

    A senior's refusal to bathe is a common source of frustration for countless caregivers. Experienced family caregivers share their best tips and suggestions for persuading an aging loved one to take a shower or bath.

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  • Oral Care Tips for Dementia Caregivers

    Poor oral hygiene is common for seniors with dementia, but proper dental care is crucial for maintaining overall health and quality of life. A family caregiver shares his strategies for keeping his wife’s teeth and gums healthy.

  • Home Remedies for Treating and Preventing Elderly UTI

    Family caregivers share their tips, home-remedies and advice for preventing and treating urinary tract infections (UTI) in older adults.

  • Early Signs of Dementia: When To Be Concerned

    The early stage of dementia is often difficult to detect since symptoms and age of onset can vary. Keep an eye out for these warning signs.

  • How to Know When Your Elderly Parents Need Help at Home and When to Intervene

    Signs your parent may need help include sudden or significant changes in behavior, physical function, appearance, cognition, memory, or judgment.

  • Self-Neglect in the Elderly: Knowing When and How to Intervene

    Most people are aware that seniors can be very vulnerable and are common targets of scams and abuse. However, there is another equally serious threat to the elderly that receives far less attention: self-neglect.

  • Caregiver Tips: Getting a Senior to Wash Their Hands

    Regular hand-washing is a crucial part of infection control, but seniors’ personal hygiene habits often decline with age. Family caregivers share their tips and tricks for getting aging loved ones to practice good hand hygiene.

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