Many families are committed to caring for Alzheimer’s patients at home for as long as possible. Incorporate these tips and strategies into your daily routine to ensure a safe and successful in-home care experience.
9 CommentsPeople’s personalities and preferences may change naturally with age, but changes in a senior’s sense of humor may be an early sign of dementia.
0 CommentsThe forum is filled with people coming together to share valuable information. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best tips for broaching the subject of unsafe driving with an aging loved one.
0 CommentsAfter a week of restlessness and discomfort, Mom finally had a day of peace. It’s times like these that get me through the difficult days of dementia and its progression.
2 CommentsEnd-of-life subjects are tough for most people, and yet they are so important. I'm getting better at thinking about and discussing them, and want to be sure my kids and grandkids don't have lingering issues when I bite the dust.
1 CommentWhat makes for a good relationship between a patient and their physician? A doctor's perspective on how to help your physician help you.
3 CommentsMany people do not take the time to listen carefully to one another, and for this reason, hurt feelings and misunderstandings abound. Caregivers can avoid these challenges by listening at a deeper level and encouraging others to do the same.
1 CommentGood communication is crucial when a loved one with dementia is involved in an emergency situation. Here are 4 strategies to prevent breakdowns and smooth interpersonal interactions.
1 CommentRoger Ebert had one of the strongest voices in Hollywood, even after he lost the ability to speak. Discover his guidance for re-claiming your true voice.
0 CommentsTo assist in post-stroke speech recovery, the healing power of music may have its roots in rhythm and long-term memory, according to recent research.
1 CommentIt can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude while handling the challenges of caregiving, but being mindful of how you communicate about these hurdles can affect your overall well-being.
107 CommentsLearn the differences between delirium and dementia, including how quickly symptoms appear and their effects on attention and memory.
1 CommentDuring middle-stage dementia, people may experience more memory loss and changes in behavior, meaning they need more assistance with activities of daily living.
0 CommentsRegular hand-washing is a crucial part of infection control, but seniors’ personal hygiene habits often decline with age. Family caregivers share their tips and tricks for getting aging loved ones to practice good hand hygiene.
5 CommentsAs a loved one's dementia progresses, it can be extremely difficult for them to communicate with their caregiver and other family members. There are a few simple tips to keep in mind that can help conversations go more smoothly.
7 CommentsThose affected by cognitive impairment don't always recognize that they have a problem. This poses a number of problems for the caregiver including whether or not to share this new and significant change with friends and family.
15 CommentsThe repetition of Mum’s stories could make me crazy, but on good days I find ways to cope. The trick is to keep the conversation fresh. I amuse myself and make Mum happy.
3 CommentsAs my mom struggles, I feel helpless and it breaks my heart. We have been on a journey with dementia for 16 years now and the good times are gifts that I store away for a rainy day.
2 CommentsA company has set out to preserve seniors' legacies for future generations by using video interviews, family photos, old letters and other personal memorabilia to produce a unique theater-quality film.
0 CommentsIt can be difficult for friends and family to think of the right things to say to a loved one who has cancer. When in doubt, avoid using these phrases and simply listen to what the cancer patient has to say.