
  • Should You Join Someone With Dementia in Their Reality?

    Dementia caregivers must frequently choose between correcting their loved ones or validating their distorted perceptions of reality. A family caregiver shares the unique approach she used to interact with her elderly father.

  • Is It Normal to Grieve Before Someone Dies?

    Grief doesn't just strike once a person dies. In fact, the grieving process can begin when a loved one is first diagnosed with a chronic condition or terminal illness. Learn how to recognize and cope with anticipatory grief.

  • How “Role Reversal” and Other Caregiving Catchphrases Skew Your Thoughts

    “Parenting your parent” has become a popular phrase for describing the unique challenges family caregivers experience. The concept seems accurate at first but subscribing to it can affect your ability to infuse respect into the care you provide.

  • Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver: Part IV

    When someone you love is mentally ill, it can be challenging to figure out who they truly are. I thought I knew my father-in-law after all these years, but a mistake with his medication for schizophrenia left me second-guessing myself.

  • Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver: Part III

    After yet another setback with my father-in-law’s health, I was determined to go home and decompress. But, as I sat in my car, I began to wonder who this man I agreed to care for really was.

  • Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver: Part II

    I could tell that my father-in-law was off his medication, but to my surprise, his nurses had no idea. My frustration turned to anger as I tried to rectify this and other oversights in his care.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver: Part I

    Navigating my father-in-law's health care over the past few months had been like riding a roller coaster. It seemed like things were getting better, but why was I still so tired, frustrated and hurt?

  • The Greatest Gift: Make Yourself a Priority This Holiday Season

    To ensure this holiday season is both productive and enjoyable, be sure to prioritize self-care, keep your plans realistic and embrace quality time with those you love.

  • This Personality Trait Could Double Your Risk of Alzheimer’s

    A new study has found that women with certain personality traits may have double the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

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