End of Life Signs

  • End-of-Life Care: Signs That Death Is Near

    Learning the signs that death is near will help you prepare for this inevitability and ensure that your loved one gets the care they need to manage end-of-life symptoms and remain comfortable.

  • Hospice Care for Dementia: When Is It Time?

    The slow and unpredictable progression of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias often makes it tricky for families and even doctors to determine when to bring in hospice. Use these guidelines to decide if a loved one is a candidate for end-of-life care.

  • When Loved Ones Rally Before Death

    Family members are often relieved and hopeful when a dying loved one suddenly becomes more aware of their surroundings or begins talking or eating again. But, are they truly getting better or just consciously preparing for their final journey?

  • Why Caregivers Shouldn't Feel Guilty About Calling Hospice

    Calling in hospice for the care of an elderly parent or other a loved one means you need to come to terms, on all levels, with the idea that this person is dying.

  • How to Alleviate Physical Pain at the End of Life

    Making a person who is dying more comfortable and alleviating physical pain is an important priority for family caregivers. Physical comfort and pain management should be the focus of providing end of life care.

  • When Is It Time to Call Hospice?

    End-of-life care decisions are often challenging and time-sensitive. Learning about how one can qualify for hospice and the specific services a hospice organization can provide will help minimize anxiety and confusion surrounding these important choices.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Reflecting on My Hospice Experiences

    I have been a hospice volunteer for many years and was with my father when he passed away while receiving end-of-life care. This is what I've learned about death from my experiences with hospice providers.

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