Taxes are an important element to consider when engaging in estate planning. Discover the answers to 5 key estate tax questions.
2 CommentsAs a caregiver, I know I'm allowed to have an 'angry day' now and again. During those times, I try to remind myself of the little things that Charlie does that I really love.
50 CommentsThe connection between people and pets is undeniable, but seniors may not be able to safely care for an animal on their own. Here's my solution.
20 CommentsWhat a terrible condition dementia is. It takes the brain of a bright, loving, proud, communicative individual and turns it into a fog of progressive cognitive decline.
9 CommentsWhen a spouse becomes a family caregiver for an aging or ill loved one, it can affect the marital relationship. As you brave this adjustment together, use these tips to show your husband or wife what you’re made of and how much your marriage means to you.
5 CommentsThe strain of caring for an aging parent (or in-law) takes a serious toll on a family caregiver’s relationship with their spouse. Use these tips to keep your marriage strong and prevent caregiver burnout from overwhelming both of you.
9 CommentsVeterans with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia may be eligible for certain benefits and services from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Some current and surviving spouses of veterans may qualify for limited VA support as well.
19 CommentsDeciding whether to tell someone who is cognitively impaired that their spouse has died is a serious and often recurring struggle. Dementia and death are sad and challenging enough on their own, but when they coincide, the result can be truly heartbreaking.
19 CommentsNavigating Medicaid eligibility for married couples is tough. When only one spouse needs long-term care, be sure to familiarize yourself with spousal impoverishment provisions and your state’s rules for counting income.
2 CommentsWhen an at-home spouse dies before a nursing home spouse, how does that affect Medicaid? Learn how to maintain Medicaid eligibility after the death of a spouse.
7 CommentsThe combination of Charlie's war injuries and dementia mean he can't explore the outdoors like he used to, but there are ways he's been able to maintain his connection with the wildlife in our community.
8 CommentsI determined I could be my wife's caregiver, while running a small business and parenting four school-age children—and, I could do this all without asking for help.
6 CommentsBecoming a caregiver for the one you love will change your life. Despite your best and greatest efforts, things will never be the same.
10 CommentsGrieving a loved one is an incredibly individual experience. Discover how one man's mourning process spawned a beautiful work of art.
10 CommentsCaregivers can be hit especially hard by mid-life regret because of the life-altering decisions they have to make, both for themselves and their loved ones.
8 CommentsCoping with a spouse or partner's death is a difficult life challenge. Learn how to help people cope and mourn the death of a spouse in a healthy way.
0 CommentsGrieving is very individual and can take a year or longer before a grieving elderly person feels a lessening of the sadness and devastion.
5 CommentsMany spouses incorrectly assume that there is no longer VA assistance available after their veteran spouse passes away. Fortunately, a benefit called the survivors pension provides additional income to surviving spouses and their children.
0 CommentsMedicaid is a complicated program with state-specific rules that can help pay for long-term care services for seniors with low income and limited resources. Explore New York State's rules for income, assets and coverage.
0 CommentsA patient with cognitive impairment can often fool doctors and other care providers during examinations and assessments. Caregivers must take responsibility for making sure physicians are aware of their loved one's true health and capabilities.