Frank discussions about final arrangements are wise to have at any age. Use these strategies to broach the subject and develop comprehensive funeral plans for yourself and your aging loved ones.
4 CommentsWhether you are pre-planning your own final arrangements or you’re responsible for organizing someone else’s funeral or memorial service, there is one fundamental choice that will affect costs, timing and many other details: cremation or burial?
7 CommentsComparison shopping for funeral providers can be tricky. It's important to make sure that the provider you choose can offer the quality and services you want at an affordable price.
7 CommentsFunerals are evolving from somber services into celebrations of a person's enduring legacy and a life well lived. Here are a few ideas for planning a personalized funeral for yourself or your elderly loved one.
8 CommentsU.S. veterans are entitled to VA burial benefits that can help their surviving family members defray funeral costs. Learn how the VA can give veterans the memorial services they deserve.
6 CommentsIf you’ve been asked to speak at a funeral or memorial service, use these guidelines to write a meaningful eulogy about a friend or loved one.
7 CommentsThis funeral arrangements checklist outlines the goods, services and logistics that are often included in a traditional funeral and/or memorial service. Many of these things can be pre-arranged and prepaid, lessening the strain on grieving family members.
7 CommentsA letter of instruction is an informal estate planning document that clearly communicates instructions and desires that are to be handled after a person dies. It guides surviving family members through personal, financial and funeral information.
0 CommentsMoney paid for advance funeral planning can be an exempt expense under Medicaid rules. Learn more about how preplanning a funeral can help you qualify for Medicaid.
2 CommentsFor families who wish to minimize funeral costs, cremation is often a more affordable alternative to a traditional burial. Understand average cremation costs and the factors that affect the overall price of this disposition option.
9 CommentsU.S. veterans (and their families) are entitled to many government programs and benefits in exchange for their service to our country.
75 CommentsMusic is an easy and meaningful way to personalize final arrangements. Whether you’re searching for religious hymns, songs about death, or uplifting selections for a celebration of life, look to this memorial playlist for inspiration.
2 CommentsThe forum is filled with people coming together to share valuable information. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best ideas for ways to remember a loved one who has passed.
2 CommentsSeeking a pre-need eligibility determination for VA burial benefits can help guide conversations about final arrangements, ensure a veteran’s wishes are fulfilled, and ease the burden on their surviving family members.
2 CommentsBrain donations are a scarce yet valuable resource for scientists who are searching for ways to prevent and treat conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Each donation brings researchers closer to a medical breakthrough.
0 CommentsPreplanning funeral arrangements can alleviate emotional and financial burdens for aging adults and their families. Learn how preneed arrangements can save money and ensure your wishes are respected.
6 CommentsPreplanning a funeral is something that aging adults often consider, and it offers many benefits to the entire family. Keep these important points in mind when it comes to making final arrangements in advance.
17 CommentsPre-need funeral arrangements have become a natural continuation of preparing a will and estate plan. Debunk common misconceptions surrounding preplanning and see how the benefits extend to the entire family.
9 CommentsNo one really wants to spend time thinking about their own funeral, but planning it in advance will minimize the burden on surviving loved ones and enable you to add unique, personal touches to your memorial service.
3 CommentsPre-planning can help surviving loved ones make confident decisions regarding final arrangements and reduce the number of difficulties that traditionally confront families following a loss.