Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

  • Understanding Activities of Daily Living: Checklists, Assessments, and More

    Assessing basic ADLs and instrumental ADLs helps determine the level of care a senior needs and what programs and benefits they may be eligible for.

  • Needs Assessment: The First Step When Moving to Senior Housing

    Senior living communities conduct a needs assessment that measures potential residents’ physical and cognitive abilities to ensure that a senior’s needs match the services the community is able to provide.

  • Daily Life with Dementia: How to Take the Stress Out of Getting Dressed

    In the middle and later stages of dementia, dressing becomes a more challenging activity of daily living. Following a few simple suggestions can help make the process of getting dressed easier.

  • How to Know When Your Elderly Parents Need Help at Home and When to Intervene

    Signs your parent may need help include sudden or significant changes in behavior, physical function, appearance, cognition, memory, or judgment.

  • How to Persuade a Senior to Put on Clean Clothes

    The ability to dress and maintain hygiene are important activities of daily living (ADL) seniors lose the ability to accomplish. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ hands-on tips and suggestions for convincing a senior to put on clean clothes.

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  • Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Defined

    Unlike basic activities of daily living (ADLs) that relate to personal care and are central to day-to-day function, IADLs are more complex tasks that are necessary for truly independent living.

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  • Family Caregiving Isn’t Easy. Here’s How to Know When You Need Help.

    Many seniors wish to age in place, and family caregivers are often able to provide the support they need for a while. However, it’s important to recognize when hiring in-home care for elderly loved ones becomes necessary.

  • How to Choose a Home Care Agency

    Find out how to choose the best home care agency by gathering information about providers, evaluating their quality, and getting cost estimates.

  • 6 Caregiver Tips for Convincing a Senior to Bathe

    A senior's refusal to bathe is a common source of frustration for countless caregivers. Experienced family caregivers share their best tips and suggestions for persuading an aging loved one to take a shower or bath.

  • Hospice Care for Dementia: When Is It Time?

    The slow and unpredictable progression of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias often makes it tricky for families and even doctors to determine when to bring in hospice. Use these guidelines to decide if a loved one is a candidate for end-of-life care.

  • Elder Care Plan 101: Set Yourself Up for Success as a Caregiver

    Learn how to discuss long-term care planning, form an elder care team, create a printable daily care plan, and find the support you need to implement a successful caregiving strategy.

  • How to Make a Care Plan for the Elderly

    An elder care plan can be a scheduling tool, an informal agreement with an aging loved one, or a formal contract used to coordinate payment for care services. Learn how to create a plan of care that will help you stay focused and organized.

  • 7 Signs It’s Time for Memory Care

    Knowing at what point dementia patients need 24-hour care is critical. Spot the signs it's time for memory care to improve a patient's quality of life.

  • 5 Benefits of Home Care for Seniors

    If you have concerns about a senior’s ability to live independently or your growing responsibilities as their sole caregiver, consider both the tangible and intangible benefits of home care services.

  • How and When to Update a Senior’s Care Plan

    Once a geriatric care plan has been established, it should be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure its continued effectiveness for the senior, their primary caregiver, and other members of the care team.

  • Needs-Based VA Benefits Get New Eligibility Rules

    2018 updates to VA eligibility rules use net worth limits, spend-down restrictions and a lookback period to determine eligibility for benefits like the basic veterans pension, aid & attendance pension and survivors pension.

  • Caring for Your Parent: An Action Plan for Adult Children

    When your aging Mom or Dad needs help, the role of family caregiver can seem overwhelming. Use this five-step plan to ensure you’re prepared to care for an aging parent.

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  • Why Seniors Refuse Help

    Aging parents are often resistant to receiving assistance from their grown children—even (and sometimes especially) when they desperately need it. Researchers shed light on why convincing an older adult to accept help can be so tricky.

  • Questions and Answers About Independent Living Communities

    Also known as retirement communities, independent living enables self-sufficient seniors to enjoy a social atmosphere, amenities, services and activities without any of the responsibilities and maintenance that come with home ownership.

  • Assisted Living for Couples: Can Couples Live Together in Senior Living Communities?

    Moving to a senior living community is always a significant life change. When couples can remain together, the transition may become a little easier.

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