Great article. To alleviate the symptoms of incontinence, choosing the right protective underwear goes a along way.

The suggestions are great only if the elderly person is willing to cooperate.My 89 year old uncle refuses to wear a diaper.

If there is swelling in the feet and the ankles what do we do....the patient has good urine output and his water intake is monitered.....he find it difficult to walk. We are not sure if it is because of knee pain or because of the swelling in his feet.

There are other things beside diapers. Protective underwear is in every drug store.

When I started wetting on bed myself etc, my wife said that protection mandatory to keep her and bed dry.I have since got over the stigma of diapers and having to wear them all the time.

As a 69 yo, I sometimes have urinary incontinence after sitting and voiding and feeling done. Then when I stand I have about 2 tablespoons of urine that goes onto my clean panties. So one voiding takes 3 pairs of panties! a hassle!

how to avoid this leakage:

I void on toilet until I feel done. On the toilet I am sitting with my arms are crossed over my chest.

-I then cross my arms with elbows on my knees.

-then I raise up my bottom and push and the last 2 tbsp of urine out

-then I feel like my 'second bladder' is also emptied

If person doing this is prone to feeling dizzy, do NOT try this by yourself because leaning over and straining can lead to a nasty fall.

Especially have someone with you guard you the first few times you use this technique.

My mom is 88 and will be 89 in January. She has had bladder surgery before and it seemed to help. She is taking Myrbetric 25 mg daily. She is now wearing Always pullups. My brother told him that she wonders why she can't control her bladder. She has dementia also so I'm not sure how much of that is true that she told him that. Is it normal for an older person with bladder issues to wear pull up?

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