My mother was bed bound and she had some bed sores but I made a cream with “real aloe plant” and honey. It’s fantastic and covered it with gauze. Cleaned and changed at least two three times a day. Take inside of aloe and honey and grind and mix, keep in container in refrigerator. Only lasts for three or four days. It’s incredible!

Finally figured out the best treatment for a bedsore.
My mom developed a medium sized bump on her sacrum bone, approximately 2 inches wide. I showed the hospice nurse and a picture was sent to the doctor on call. The bathing nurse saw it too. No one ever mentioned that, that might turn into a sore, so within a short amount of time, there it was a 1/2 inch wide sore and 1/2 an inch deep. We tried wound cleansers followed by calmoseptine ointment and covered with a regular bandage, that didn’t work, then we tried the duoderm signal dressing, that didn’t work. I tried saline solution to dry it and other dressings among which some homemade therapies, like honey, colloidal silver, antibiotic powder, bleach cleansing solution, cutimed sorbact which is an antibacterial gauze and changed the dressing to a foam dressing, plus I changed the mattress to an air mattress as opposed to a memory foam mattress. We had it dedrided once, I cleaned it everyday faithfully and still nothing  was working. After 4 months the sore got bigger, smellier and more inflamed. It had reached 1 1/2 inch in diameter and 1 inch deep. But I didn’t give up. 
The following therapy is what finally worked to heal it.
The air mattress is a must but my therapy needs to follow.
 I added only one more thing that made the difference to some of the things I was already using... a COLD LAZER, small hand held cold lazer. 
5 daily STEPS to healing sore
1-Clean the sore with a bleach solution by the name of Vashe and the aid of a regular gauze.
2-Cover sore with a clean piece of gauze for hygienic reasons and apply the cold Lazer on the sore covered with gauze for 3 minutes.
3-fill the sore with the crushed and powdered antibiotic pill ( this keeps the sore from smelling and keeps the sore dry)
4- then stuff the rest of the hole with the antibacterial gauze cutimed sorbact. Enough to fill the whole thing, whatever much fits inside the hole.
5-apply the allevyn Gentle dressing to cover it.
Do this daily, do not skip a day. It took 3 months to close completely but it worked wonders. It was obvious from the beginning that it was working.
The cold Lazer was the secret to closing it. Vityas is the brand I used they run between 50-80 dollars depending on where you buy it.

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