Thanks for the information. I am going to follow thru on this and will let you know how well I did.

I have applied for several services through the Area on Aging. Unfortunately, there is a waiting list for every service! I'm not sure if this is just for Florida, but apparently there are no funds available. Very disappointing.

My parents are 83 and in very poor health. They live in Delaware. I live in Virginia. They need some type of assistance with care, they have no assets, just social security and some pension from my dad's work. They have no money left after paying monthly bills, prescriptions, etc. I would like to move them to assisted living or a nursing home near me. What are the laws about eligibility and establishing residence in order to receive government aid.

My mother is low income lives in flint Michigan, due to her health she needs to move into subsidized housing. Is there any organization who could help her with her deposit she gets widows disability benefits, medicare and medicaid. Any information would help. Thank you.

I'm 64 year old women caring for my husband. Who is 69. I have been taking care of him for 26 years because of a massive stroke. He is unable to care for himself so I do all the total care for him. Would like to know if there are any programs out there to help remodel a bathroom to give him showers. I am unable to afford it on my own. Thank you.

Who has legal rights over an elderly parent who needs to have someone to take of him medically, and financially, his legal biological daughter or a grand- step- daughter. Her mother was never adopted by my father.

i take care of my husband he has alzheimer's and i have power of attorney and when i go to fill out papers for him some of the people still give me a hard time. tell me what else do i need to do.

For all of you caring for an elderly relative and going broke and getting sick because of it -- I am one too and finally I've found a solution, I want to share as much as I can with you First, FIND AN ELDER CAR ATTORNEY. He or she can guide you through the process of either getting home care for the elderly person or assisted living or nursing home and it costs you almost nothing to do it. That's what I'm doing. My mom is 94. She can't stay alone but wants to be there, so I am between a rock and a hard place. I'm exhausted and sick from trying to care for her and finding I can't do it anymore. I found out thata t least in New York State and probably others, since it involves a federal program that makes your elderly person qualified for a special federal program that will pay for their care. ASK AN ELDER CARE ATTORNEY.

I am the sole caregiver of 2 disabled parents and I am only 31. I quit a job I loved to help take care of them. This resulted in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. I now have a car that I put 25,000 miles on due to my disabled parents being in the hospital that is 3 and a half hours away. I need a newer car that has to be a certain height or my mom, who can't work her right side; won't be able to get into.
Both my parents had massive strokes 11 years apart. So, I was 20 when my Dad had his. Some nights I don't sleep. Other nights I am so exhausted I cry myself to sleep. I get no help from my siblings that live 1500 miles away. I can't go to a doctor, because I can't afford it. I have a condition which can cause me to go deaf, but do to the bankruptcy; I can't see any doctor. I am burnt out, but no one to help because I make just enough to not get help.
I love my parents and, knowing then what I know now; I would still do the same thing. That is how much I love my parents. I just wish I could get help.

I love my family and will be there no matter what..

I am disable myself, having graudianship of a disable 4 year neice now may have to take care of my 71year old sister who is also on disability will this affect my benefits and is there some way I can get pay as a caregiver for my sister

I am 48 years old and have helping my 86 year old father that lives on his own for the past 9 years but more so the past 4 . He was diagnosed 3 years ago with a muscle disease and has barely in leg strength left. I do all his grocery shopping, most his cooking,driving to all dr 's app., etc.etc. but lately he has been misplacing things ,throwing things away , not remembering things he does etc.etc. He is extremely stubborn and refuses to belief he has a muscle disease and has become very mean and distrusting . I think one day he will just not allow me to help anymore and I am very concerned he has a tendency to flash his cash around and his house has been broken into several times. He refuses to move with me and I am very worried about is well being. He has burned so many bridges with all the rest of the family I really have no help . I am going through a divorce and I really have tried to do all I can to help him but he is becoming more angry with decisions he has made in the past and has continually grown harder to be around because of his verbal abuse .i don't want my dad to be alone but I don't know how much more I can take I don't know what programs are offered for seniors in his area and would appreciate any information to help guide me in finding out options that are provided for seniors in Fresno County California.
Thank you

I care for my mother she gets soc sec and veterans windows pension can I get paid for taking care of her I'm on ssi ?

Get your parents on MEDICAL,get an application process started over the phone with State Assistance program.then you wait to get an in home appoitment w/state agent.The person comes to your house, does the interview, reviewing the situation, what are the needs of your parents.Takes the information back to headquarters, a decition is made to see if you qualify, and how many hours of work you will do.the salary is paid between medical and the state.this is in california, I waiting to go through the process now, a bit slow, so hang on. one more thing I'm unemployed, need a paycheck. My parent 91, and 88 need a lot of help. We found out the In Home Care program, I'm out of work, they need help, Mother said she'd rather have me as the caregiver then going through the process of hiring a straenger.What could possibly be wrong with that? nothing at all, IT'S A WIN WIN deal. Pray for one another, there's a lot of us in the same situation. I did have a question regarding if you have to live in or out of parents house? if anyone knows? thank you, God Bless You.

Can a caregiver other than a family member receive financial assistance, if so, please let me know who to contact?

can i take care of my brother (54)

I on ssi 77 old man I have alot of health brovlems and oparasion and i can not care my home any more i can not clealhy home
Can i get HELP from the gaverment?

I am a sole caregiver to my husband who has advanced Parkinson's Disease, he has no balance control and Parkinson's Dementia, and can no longer be left alone. I cannot afford to pay a caregiver to come in daily and sit with him to make sure he doesn't fall, so I'm faced with retiring 6 years early with a 36 year employment with my company. I have retirement but I'm only 56 years old, (my husband will be 65 in Sept). Our company will retire him effective 10.1.12, and he was only able to work for 14 years before he had to be put on disability, so his retirement is not very much (and his ex get's half for seven years). I also have a 401k that I cannot touch until I'm 59 1/2, his is not very much and we don't want to touch it so we have something for later. Is there compensation for a wife who HAS to retire to take care of her ailing husband??

hello, my father is pension holder. and he is 55 yrs old.. i want financial help for there surgery parts.... is there any scheme to help me??

My mother is 78 years old she had a stroke it has effected had memory still able to be at home but it cost so much for sitters. We have done a reverse morgage on her home that is now gone waiting for long term service for the past 4 years. I work and have a disable husband also raise 2 grandchildren. I recently withdrew most of my retirement out to pay for a few more months. Please, Please help me go to the right source. There has got to some type of asst. I made her a promise we would try all to let her stay in her home until she passed away. I tried Medicade but they say she made a little under a 100.00 dollars a month to quialify. I feel like we are all along.

I have recently quit my job and moved my elderly aunt/uncle in with me so I can care for them. Because they are not my "parents", would I still qualify for any benefits? He is a veteran also.

can i get finanical assitance when living with my mother

my mother has COPD,enfazema,asthma and broncitis and she will NOT stop smokeing. She is on an oxyegen machine all the time. She gets verbually abuseive when I tell her she can't smoke in my car or home. I have tried to work through a temp service on days she is doing ok. That didn't work out because she keeps haveing real bad anxiety attacks half way through my shift and I rush home to make it all better. she needs full time care. she getsSSI disability but it's not enough. My husband has been paying all the bills.Can we get any assistance financialy inorder to keep my mother at home with family who loves her? Is there a support hot line that I can call when she stresses me to the breaking point? I don't want to hurt her feelings when she is being ugly to me so I bite my lip,well she has only been in my home for a little over a month and I already have 3/4 of my lip chewed off. None of my family wants to help with her and she says she would rather die then to live in a nurseing home.

My Mom is 90 and in as assisted living facility 2000 miles from where I live. My husband and I are 67 and 60 years old and are considering having her come to live with us due to limited resources for her and quality of life. We also are on limited income and assets, are still working and need to be thinking of our own retirement needs. However, the added expense of visiting my Mom frequently in Illinois...flying, renting a car and hotel is causing us to feel we would all be happier if she could be with us. At the moment she is in good health. For 8 years prior to moving to the assisted living my Mom spent the winters living with us in CA so we have recent history living together. The only reason she is there is because the facilities near us are only private pay and much more expensive. Also my Mom is where she has spent 70 years of her life and we thought there would be more family and friends to visit with there but that has just not happened and she keeps to herself a lot.

My question is about any financial aid or subsidy's available to caregivers for retrofitting the home for elder care as well as offsetting any expenses that might fall outside of her income such as home health care from outside agencies. My Mom currently receives SS and the VA Aid & Attendance benefit plus a very small amount of cash asset that will be gone in 6 mos as her income is $1000 short of her monthly expenses. I am collecting as much information as possible before telling my Mom as I don't want to get her hopes up before I know we can handle all the details. Thanks for any help out there.

I am requesting compensation and help for caring for our friend that just moved in with us...she is going to 92 in November and I am her caretaker...she has no family here and needs someone to watch and care for we recently moved her in with my husband and I...she is a veteren of many years of service in WW2 as a nurse and just recently retired from working as a nurse in an assistant living center...what can I do to receive payment for caring for her?

I started taken care of my parents 8 years ago after my brother passed. My father had been bed ridden for 5 years. My mother always took care of his personal needs and I took care of there financial. My mother had a stroke 6 months later due to stress. My brother left me his life insurance so that my daughter would have money for her education. Because I'm disabled I'm limited on what I can do so I hired a caregiver for 4 days a week to help me do the things I couldn't do. Well my father died a year ago and my mothers income was cut in half and is barely making her house payment. I've gone through all my bothers life insurance money to care for them and have nothing left to help her. I also have a sister that has not helped me in anyway even after repeated cries for her help. I'm so frustrated that there's no financial help out there to cover the caregivers expenses so I won't have to worry. My mothers is 83 years old and is down to 94 pounds due to her stressful situation. Why doesn't Social Security/Medicare cover this care for the elderly. After all those year paying into them you would think there needs would be taken care of at the old age.

Every that's going through the same thing big hugs to you.

My partner's mother is out of money and will have to leave the residential care home she has been living in for the past 7 years. The only option we have is to bring her to our home. Because we are not married, what legal issues should I consider? I will probably be performing most of the care responsibilities (washing, transferring, changing, cooking, cleaning, general care).....Can I apply for any government assistance or financial help? Can she be claimed as a dependent on either of our tax returns? Any advice?

Having a hard time typing because I can't stop crying. I'm so glad I found this site.

I live in WI you can get paid to take care of a parent here as well. The program requires you to take a short term training in order to make sure you take care of your parents correctly like CNA training. Call the local Dept of Aging in your city they will know. Google-- Department of Aging______ ( city and state you live in )

my brother and i care for our elderly aunt, and mom and dad. is there a government program that will pay us to take care of them? we live with them.

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