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GardenArtist Posted October 2020

Voting by those in facilities; what insights can be offered?

A friend on another forum is wondering how his mother in AL can vote. It's something I hadn't considered, but is a valid issue, and could disenfranchise perhaps thousands of people if a method isn't devised for those who live in facilities to vote.

For those with family or friends in a facility, whether AL, IL, rehab, hospital or other, what methods do you know of that are being taken to allow the residents to vote?

GardenArtist Oct 2020
NeedHelpWithMom, I encountered one of those very, very grouchy people when I last had to renew my license and take a vision test.    A person with that kind of attitude would never last in a private sector job.

Bridger46146 Oct 2020
Facilities in my area offer transportation to the polls. Earlier they helped apply for mail in ballots.


NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020

That is awesome! Good to know!

There are grouchy people working in the DMV in my area! Hahaha

I suppose it isn’t the most fun job! I have seen really crazy people in the DMV.

One time there was a woman that failed the test three times and she was arguing with them that she needs a license! Geeeeeez!

GardenArtist Oct 2020
NeedHelpWithMom, Michigan does have a renewal option that surprised me; it's really quite convenient.  

Several stores in my area have a sort of vending machine, linked to the Secretary of State's office, which still sends out the new license form for the next year.    We can either (a) mail it back with our funds, (b) visit a SOS office, or (c) renew it through the vending machine.

It took less than 5 minutes to use the machine, once I figured how to get it started!   The new license and tab were then printed out.    I had never heard of this before this year, but am glad b/c I hate going to the SOS's office and waiting in in line for hours, especially with all those dozens of people, and especially during a pandemic when people refuse to cooperate and wear masks.  (there's a lot of blank space, so scroll down to see an image of the machine and operating instructions. )

elaine1962 Oct 2020
If anyone is going to vote by mail, do it early!!! I work for the post office in Upstate New York and it is h*ll in here.

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
We ordered our ballots online. It’s simple to do. Fill out and drop in the mail. Seniors at facilities can do the same.

NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020

That’s wonderful that they go to the car. I know my mom would never be able to wait in a line.

I don’t know why a person would want to go though if they can do it easier by mail.

Some people do prefer going in person.

I wish I could renew my driver’s license by mail. It must be random. My husband has done it before but I have never received an offer in the mail like he did. I hate going to the DMV.

Stacy0122 Oct 2020
If the person has a DL or ID, they can request the ballot online, if they dont, they need to call the clerks office. The voter can designate an individual they trust to pick up and drop off their ballot. I filled out my request on a Sunday and received the ballot on a Tuesday.

Geaton777 Oct 2020
My 101-yr old aunt who lives in FL votes by absentee ballot every year. BTW, she never got her driver's license yet was able to get a FL ID. Anyone who thinks that requiring an ID to vote somehow suppresses voters/voting must have very low expectations of people.

FloridaDD Oct 2020
In Florida, they mail you a ballot if you ask, and you send it back in.  If the person is not competent enough to handle this, they should not be voting

worriedinCali Oct 2020
Most states are mailing all registered voters a ballot this year. But even if they weren’t, facility residents can request absentee ballots & mail them in. So the first thing to do is making sure the person in the facility is currently registered to vote. They can also have their ballot mailed to the facility or to a trusted friend/family member who can bring it to the facility. If the person chooses to go that route, they need to use the facility address as their home address and their friend/relatives address as the mailing address. In California the elections office goes above and beyond to make sure everyone gets to vote. If a senior in a facility isn’t bedridden & wants to vote in person, they can be taken to the local elections office & an elections office employee will come out to the car with a ballot & assist the voter. I believe poll workers at the polling places are allowed to do the same thing.

BarbBrooklyn Oct 2020
My mom always voted by Absentee Ballot once she was in a facility.


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