When his father was in the hospital from his horrific fall, the doctor told him that they may have to operate and my son had no idea if that was what his dad wanted or if they would be able to do so safely as his dad is allergic to some meds and my son didn't know what those meds were. He said he felt lost. Unbeknownst to my son, I had told the flight crew what he was allergic to and gave them a list of his meds.
Son has suggested and I will implement sending him and his sibs an email with dads and my advanced medical directives so if any of the kids are in the position of having to make a decision on our care, they can pull up an email that has the relevant information.
He also said that the medical directive should cover things such as feeding tubes and percentages of changes a person will live a normal life afterwards. He daily sees family members who don't have any idea what their loved one wants, trying to make a decision for them.
My son says he is able to open an email on his smart phone in a hospital where making a call inside a hospital is often impossible.
I'm going to play around with an idea of putting all the info on my phone where it can be accessed should the medical people need it and there is no family around. I already carry my husbands POA in my purse and I'll probably stick a copy of the advanced medical directives in there too.