It's been awhile for me, so firstly hoping well to everyone, including having gotten through the holidays and New Year as peacefully as possible.
As the title suggests, I am currently in a bit of a dilemma about it because I have been very low contact and live states away from them. But the N sis texted the other day about the mom being in the hospital; something I knew was inevitable due to her being a senior in her upper 80's and past health problems. She used to live 15 minutes away from me, so I was the one running to the hospital and responding to her and my grandmother's (lived in her own home about 30 minutes away; recently deceased) health, home, and holiday issues. I finally said enough after years of this with the N sis getting violent with me on one visit. This wasn't even about them, it was something ridiculous about a friend of mine that the N sis was trying to start drama over nothing. It was so reckless, it opened my eyes all the way, as I knew something wasn't right with these three, and made me question my future interactions within this family dynamic that had shrunk over the years mostly due to many of the more positive members unfortunately passing on. I miss them because they didn't pose a threat to me like especially this N sis does.
Fast-forward to after my declaring that I had to tend to my own life; the N sis moved this grandmother and mom where she lives. The grandmom stayed in a home for a short time until her passing. For the sake of peace and feeling safer, I wasn't speaking to them at that time until her passing where the N sis got in contact with me and family members about the funeral arrangements. I prayed on it, got advice from forums like this, and ended up going and decided to make low contact with them during holidays and birthdays. But this time, I would only send messages and call the mom out of respect.
With the low contact in place, it mostly worked peacefully and I wouldn't respond whenever a few fishing lines were thrown my way. And I told myself I would only be in person one more time: in the event something happened to mom, like grandmother (as long as others are around, the N sis tends to portray to be a nice person).
It's just two things I am thinking about: 1) As I feel more comfortable and used to talking to my mom whenever I am in touch, for the fisrt time she hasn't responded to my text/call to check on how she's doing; so I am not sure how ill she is, because I heard it has to do with swelling. Still, I understand if she can't talk. 2) However, I can't bring myself to get in touch with the N sis to find out more, as I never know how she'll react; she can be as unpredictable verbally as physically abusive.
She did say she would let us know how the mom is doing in her text, and I did leave the mom my 'get well' message. However, that was two days ago.
Should I just wait to hear back (my preferred way), or does it seem cold to not reach out again, being this is my mom?
One more thing: I'm currently not working and looking to get myself back there, including independently, which is taking all my time. But mostly, I am worried about finances with sending her get-well flowers, etc, flying down there and if I did fly down, the cost of a hotel: I am not trying to stay at the N sis', even with having a big house.
Phew! I know it's a lot. But if anyone can relate and answer on any of this, I'd love to know your wise viewpoints.
I looked at this thing with mom as my last go-round to do out of respect and focusing on the better parts of the past, though overall I feel I wasn't really appreciated and didn't always feel safe or at peace=too many reckless events.
So, heaven forbid she is not long for this world. I always wanted to pay my love and and respect that would help with closure and peace.
But this not being normal dynamics, I could use clarity on this issue; it can be hard just reaching out with a simple text to the N sis.
Thanks for any advice! 🙏🏼