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Bcdefgh Posted March 20, 2024

My landlord has been kidnapped by a woman who claims to be a relative. She is isolating her and I need help to find out where she is at.

AlvaDeer Mar 20, 2024
Admins: Please go to OP's profile and eliminate names, addresses and phone numbers. Self reporting my comment here so this can be done for the OP's protection.

Please return to your profile and go in and remove all personal information. It is very dangerous to have such things on an open public forum.

My brother once lived in beautiful Montara on the ocean. I hope it is still wonderful there.

I think that you cannot know the exact circumstances here, Bc, and you admit this yourself.
Can you tell us if you yourself, who have known your landlady for years you tell us, have noted any recent changes in her memory or demeanor that may have worried a family member?
Did you ever see this family member around the premises in the past, or did your landlady ever speak of her or of other family?

Have you been in contact with those who you say "released her" to this person?
Have you been asked to leave the premises that you rent in and do you have, in Montara, a rent board you can go to regarding the gutting of the facilities and your rights as a tenant?

I would call APS and have all of the FACTS in this case in hand and ask them to investigate in order to reassure you that your beloved friend and landlady is safe. You have all of the addresses that are relevant. While APS cannot share personal and private information with you, they CAN reassure you in some way as to what is going on being a family matter in which you may not interfere.

I wish you the best and hope you will update us about this distressing situation.

freqflyer Mar 20, 2024
Bcdefgh, welcome to the forum, I see this is your first posting. I also read your profile and have a lot of questions. Since you haven't spoken to Judy [landlord] in six months, how did you know Brenda went to Judy's place of employment? How you do you know that Brenda is now Judy's Power of Attorney? How do you know where Judy is now living? Have to gone to the care center to see if you could see Judy?

If the house, where you are one of several tenants, how are you able to cook if the kitchen has been gutted? That would be in violation of your Lease and building code for a rental property. Contact the City/County zoning office to report this.

Curious, if Judy has 5 daughters, are they all deceased since Judy has no living relatives?


JoAnn29 Mar 20, 2024
Please remove all personal information from your profile meaning real names and addresses.

Who do you pay your rent to if your friend was inva NH? You are onva forumbof Caregivers from all over the US and other countries. We cannotvhelp you. This "kidnapper" must have had the paperwork needed so the NH would release your friend to her.

You mention daughters are they still alive, if so, they need to look into this. You have no legal standing.

Geaton777 Mar 20, 2024
In your profile you wrote the landlord Judy has a PoA named Brenda. If this is true then you have no power in this situation and she is not kidnapped but this PoA stepped in because she saw a need to manage her affairs. It can be assumed that Judy willingly made Brenda her PoA since this is how that legal process works.

In one sentance you said Judy has no family then you said she has daughters. Which is it? If you've known them for so long why didn't they tell you anything? Try finding them to ask but it's really none of your business at this point.

I'm sorry that you are worried for your long-time friend. I hope you can get clarifying info to put your heart at rest.

Also please remove all that personal info from your profile or the admins may remove your entire post.


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