I live in a state that is red as it can be. That's never been an issue - but now the political climate makes me feel VERY unsafe being a single woman with no family heading into elder years. I've zeroed in on states with wonderful medical facilities and assisted living and laws that help while you age. Does anyone else feel threatened by the political beliefs that makes elderly folks "useless?"
Just because you "feel" unsafe or useless doesn't mean this is true. You provide no specifics so how can anyone respond intelligently and thoughtfully to your question? Feelings are not the same as facts.
I'm retired and work part time and I'm still paying into the system. So, what are they going to do stop taxing for these programs. It has nothing to do with people not planning for their older years. We have paid into the system for 40, 50 plus years. Don't forget the federal and state taxes that we paid into. Taxes are taken out of our checks each time we are paid. Each person working pays for the the retired. Just like my generation working paid for the previous generation.
In all due honesty, I can't stand the younger generation. I think they are a bunch of self indulgent wimps that shoot off at the mouth without taking into consideration the sacrifices that the previous generations have made. We all pay taxes.
I know that we are not to discuss politics, but I gather it's going to be a lot of arguing and fighting on the Hill. Unfortunately, I'm right down the road from the Capitol. As far as feeling unsafe. Nah. I hang out in the graveyard across the street to get some peace. I love the sculptures even though it's graveyard art.
In the United States are spending is largely consumed by three things. "Defesnse" social security and Medicaid and Medicare. I do believe all states get some from of Federal aid to support their Medicaid programs.
No one is going to touch defense which leaves healthcare and social security. Two programs where in which many elderly rely on. Which also happen to be the only two areas where meaningful cuts can be made to save money. Tax breaks are coming and they have to be funded somehow. We have to see some cuts. We cannot just keep spending more than we make as a country.
Listen to people like Elon and many young people in my age age the 18 to 34 and 34 to 45 range do feel Elderly are living too long. Should not be up to the tax payers to flip the bill for people's poor planning and failing health.
It scary but the youth don't care about the elderly. I would be scared if I was older cause younger generations don't give a sh** forgetting they to will get old.
Reporting my comment for admin to review Ops post for removal. Political discussions are not allowed here.
Mostly make sure you move to a *county* that has lots of resources (ie, not rural, in a desireable zip code with a good tax base, etc.)
You make unsupported claims. Can you be more specific?
Also, reporting to move to Discussions section...
Yes, the last election was fraught with drama and so much hatred--personally, since it's now over, I feel a lot calmer and at peace. I couldn't take the round-the-clock fighting.
What exactly are you referring to? I never heard anything specific to the lessening of care for the elderly. What kind of fanfare do you want, when you pass? I am a little befuddled by your question.
What political beliefs cause you to think that anyone is pushing some agenda against the elderly?
And, where do you plan to move? To another state, or to a whole different country?