
(Apologies if I've posted this in the wrong section.)This gentle comedy, starring Ted Danson, is based on a real life documentary. It was about an older man finding purpose and companionship when he worked undercover, posing as a resident at an independent living facility, for a detective agency in Chile.
In the US fictionalised version of the story, the facility is very upmarket and nobody has financial issues. Nevertheless, it touched on issues of loneliness, difficulties of parent-child relationships, death and dementia.
It was beautiful and bittersweet. I cried my eyes out at the last episode when it made me recall a moment with my mum.
If you haven't watched it, I recommend it.

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Mia we just finished it last night! Your review is spot on. It was lovely, sweet, sad, heartbreaking and funny all at the same time. Hit too close to home often. And then just the right amount of levity. Beautifully acted by all, including the woman who played the director.

I definitely want to see the Mole Agent now, on which it was based.

Ted Danson did a fantastic job and how cool was it to see Sally Struthers onscreen again?

I saw a documentary some time ago about the real man who really did this.
Fascinating. I will be on this one for sure.

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