
So tired of washing all the chucks, sheets, nightgowns, going through the disposable pads and having to shower her. Stroke is a beast! Should we invest in a pure wick? What are other options? She is on fluid restriction, but every morning it’s a mess!

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Thanks for the info Isthisrealyreal. Who would have thought? I guess I'm just grateful that I only used the disposable ones for my late husband.

Funky, there are washable chucks.

Good guidance!

You already have good solutions from funkygrandma59.

I was just wondering if you have any help coming in to give you breaks . Perhaps a few mornings a week at least . Stroke is a beast. Take care of you too .

As far as the fluid restriction , Does she have a history kidney failure ? Because there is such a thing called ….high output renal failure ….., where they urinate a lot .

Several things I must comment on first. First you should never restrict a persons fluids especially an older person as dehydration is extremely harmful and causes so many issues in itself.
Then I've never heard of washing chucks. All the chucks that I used with my late husband were disposable. Perhaps you meant just waterproof bed pads huh?
But bottom line, someone needs to be getting up overnight to change your mom perhaps as much as 2 times to help eliminate the bigger mess in the morning.
And of course a Pure Wick would be very helpful I'm sure though I know they're quite expensive, though there is someone now on this forum that has one for sale. You may want to check that out.
When my late husband was extremely incontinent and before he got his permanent catheter, I had to get up twice a night to change his Depends so as to not have an even bigger mess in the morning.
Really the simplest solution is a catheter of some sort, so everyone can get a good nights sleep.

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