I take my husband to doctor appts 2 hours away from home. Depends and extra pad, but totally soaked after sitting 2 hours in a dentist chair. Total time away from home was 6.5 hours. He had a BM before we left. Have worked hard to get him on a schedule for that to happen in the mornings. But that will not be the case everytime, as some appts are earlier in the day and we have to leave earlier in the mornings.
What are the secrets that well know people that are in wheelchairs all day and travel all over the world? Please share some advice on taking care of incontinence during necessary trips. Thank you
Moving as many appointments to telehealth (phone or video call) where possible is my first thought. Checksups, results etc. I understand specialists want to SEE their patients. Especially if a new patient.
If Cure is not possible, I think you are left with Contain & Clean Up. I am not sure what other options there are... Just products to contain as best they can. Clean up as best you can. Extra Care as you can obtain & afford.
Look into having a paid caregiver person, CNA/support worker accompany you so there are at least more hands to help.