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This thread is a lifesaver. All of you: Thank you. I would feel very alone if I hadn't read your stories.
Now, I just need to vent...
My mother (84, healthy, sound mind) likes to feel independent, which she is by any measurable standard. However, she wants me available 24-7 because she just doesn't do adulting. Dad did all the paperwork. She never even had a credit card until he died. She drives but only to places where it's easy to park. She "needs" me to accompany her to the doc, dentist, chiropodist, hearing aid and specialist, optician, hair salon, and to go out shopping or for coffee at a moment's notice even if I have work to do (I'm self-employed).
She won't join the local seniors club or go on outings with people her own age because she does not want to think of herself as "old". She insists I drive her to her home town and stay in a hotel two nights at a time, but refuses to meet up with her old friends so the two of us spend the whole "break" shopping and eating together.
She insists on paying for trips, meals, and treats. Whenever I pay, she gets angry and says she doesn't want to be depending on anyone. She also reminds me I'm not earning much... When I remind her that I would be earning more if I could take the many opportunities I'm being offered in my career, she gets into a funk and accuses me of wanting to leave her, of hating her...
She is paranoid about my friends in a weird, jealous way. It's hard to explain but basically I think she worries I will abandon her if I meet my friends even for a minute. I know it doesn't make sense but this is what she seems to believe. She gets moody and passive-aggressive if I take a phone call from a friend or even if I stop to chat to a neighbour.
I am trapped. I want to leave, but I can't afford to rent within 200 miles of home and if I move far away she will lose her mind.
She is estranged from the rest of the family (not entirely her fault - my siblings are very abusive towards both of us).
She's also alienating her friends and neighbours with her grumpiness. I think she's depressed but she is angry-depressed and impossible to help. Her moods are contagious, but I detox by reading and watching TV.
I am an optimist by nature so I look at the positives and inwardly celebrate small wins (she goes to bed early, and I keep in touch with friends online).
I dread to think what would happen if she ever got very ill physically or mentally. I would be her carer. And if she died I would have to fight a legal battle against my siblings to stay in my home (Mum has left it to me in her will, but wills can be challenged and the legal fees are taken out of the estate, so only a fool would count on a will). I just feel life is passing me by.

Could you allow yourself to "step out" for awhile when your siblings come to visit ?
Maybe leave some Instructions, fixins for lunch , & perhaps if Your Not There , you wouldn't be such a Target.
Even if it all goes to pot-so what? It seems to Anyway.

Just need to vent.
My commitment to taking care of my 88 year old Alzheimer/Dementia mother living in my home for 6 years has left me as her favorite person to argue with and lash out at, while my brother and sister only visit and enable her, doing thins that she can do on her own. They are "her babies". (By the way, I am the youngest and was always "her baby" and we always had a great relationship.)
Now, its just total disrespect and arguing while she struggles to stay in control, which always turns out to be dangerous to her health and finances. Guess who gets to pick up all the pieces and fix it when I step back and let her have her way. Which I admit, stepping back, is very hard to do since I am so OCD about making sure that everything is handled. Its a 2nd full time job and finding balance is hard enough let alone, the comments about how great my siblings are while simultaneously arguing and getting extremely nasty towards me.
Thanks for the opportunity to get that out in a safe environment.

🥰 some more words of wisdom:

Always remember to be nice to people who have access to your toothbrush.

🙂 lighter words of wisdom:

If two wrongs don’t make a right, try three.

🙄 heavy words of wisdom:

You can avoid reality.
But you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

🥰 today’s words of wisdom:

🙂 Your own brain ought to have the decency to be on your side!

🥰 today’s words of wisdom:

True success is figuring out your life & career so you never have to be around jerks.

dear hothouse,

keep in mind also that narcs stick up for other narcs.

dear hothouse,

“I never realized how bad she was because I wasn’t that close to her for a long time.”

i see what you mean.

yup, narcs can’t keep up the facade forever. eventually their true nature comes out.

Nacy, Thanks for the kind words. But unfortunately this is who she is. My other sister (her twin) had to sever her relationship with her years ago because it was that toxic. I never realized how bad she was because I wasn’t that close to her for a long time. I have been co-caregiving with her and I thought I was being supportive. We worked well for a long time. She’s had enough of me. It has been too much for too long for both of us.

Sadly she has a lot of my mother’s traits. They are not nice ones.

I am just so upset right now. For some reason unbeknownst to me I angered my sister. If I can tell you I really don't know what it is. Things have become strained since my mother's death. I've really tried to keep the relationship intact.

The problem is I drew the short straw and am working with the attorney on my father's Medicaid and money that needs to be returned to the state from the sale of the house. I need her help right now and she is psychologically abusing me withholding the information I need. I don't want to get into the sadistic-ness of it online but I really think she is mentally ill. Even my husband who alway tells me I am overreacting is finally seeing this.

I really don't know what to do. She controls the estate trust account and my father's checking account and if she is not giving me the information the attorney is requesting. I don't know what will happen.

I will go to my grave hating my mother for putting my sister in charge of this. If you want to know why I am the one dealing with the attorney, it is because my sister had an argument with the paralegal and does not want to deal with them anymore, The argument was so bad that the paralegal actually called me and told me she refuses to work with my sister. People in nearly every capacity: nurses at the nursing home, the lawyer's paralegal, the funeral director, the real estate agent, the manager of the bank all have told me how rude and nasty she has been with them.

I just don't know what to do. Don't even know where to dump this it is so toxic. So I am leaving it in this place.


Evidently, there was something wrong with my most recent post about my referral being rejected.

Otherwise, my doctor here increased my Neurontin at night from 2 to 3 pills. I slept for 7 hours strait last night. That has not taken place in months! We will see about tonight.

Thank you for that question it's nice to know someone cares even if it's a perfect stranger. How am I doing? Well I've decided to do what's best for me which means that I will not be hanging any more of my brothers problems that he created. I'm going to walk away and sever the relationship entirely.

🥰 we all need a little wisdom.

today’s words of wisdom:

1. Remember to use your energy sparingly. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
2. Make sure you stay hydrated.
3. Don’t panic.

Moore, I’m surprised that your M in AL has much shopping for you to do. Many people in AL have no-one to ‘co-ordinate their cares’. Perhaps you could consider just dropping back on the tasks, rather than going ‘no contact’. M might appreciate you more if you aren’t ‘jumping so high’. She might even put more demands on your sister.

Struggling. I have an elderly mother with advanced heart failure. While she is in assisted living, I still have to do all of her shopping and coordinate her cares. I have a twin sister that does not help and is able to do whatever she she wants with no responsibilities. In fact my mother enables her behavior and makes excuses for her. This has driven not only my sister and I apart, but my mom and I as well. I’m trying to do the right thing - but their behavior makes me want to go no-contact. I’m so bitter, sad and angry. My mother shows no appreciation towards all my efforts. My father has passed away and I have no other siblings or family in the area. I’m at a loss of how to keep moving forward.

I’m hanging on by a thread. My older half Sister doesn’t like my Dad and uses that against me. I’m a 57 year old man and she has called me a boy. She has a ex navy seal recovering alcoholic friend or boyfriend that indirectly took my S&W MP Bodyguard 380 pistol from me over a year ago. I bought it for self defense and going to a target range. He said he knows how to clean guns real good. I went to my Honda Civic and got my gun in a holster I bought a couple months ago before. I let him have it thinking he would return it to me. He didn’t and I haven’t seen it for over a year now. I have attentive ADHD and my Mom is 92 years old with dementia and she calls for me every hour or so when she’s awake. I can’t get paid as her Caregiver because her Social Security income is over $2000 a month and she can’t get free home care because of it also. I have been at home with my Mom everyday and I have had no income for over 2 years. I have talked to a Therapist through Sondermind by video conference over a year ago and that wasn’t really helpful. She called the police department and had a deputy come to the door of my old apartment when my Mom was at the hospital with Atrial Fibrillation in icu. Because I was alone with our small dog Dobie. I relish being at home alone like I’m getting a break but I don’t want my Mom at the Hospital. You get it. I can remember my Abuela telling me me over 30 years ago about my Dad’s situation at home and she’s Cubano. “This is not the life” How history can repeat itself in a different circumstance. Not a good one at that. I have felt at the end of my rope but I haven’t let go. I am seeking a Social Worker and my Mom’s a retired Social Worker but hasn’t been one in over 40 years. I was telling her there’s a difference between a Caseworker and a Social Worker. I’m single and have no kids so no backup to speak of and having to be home because my Mom’s mental disease. It seems as though there’s no way out but there’s a release. My older half sister has a beach house in Corolla NC that she drove to with her friend to get it ready for renting. Gone for 2 weeks and I wouldn’t mind going to a beach like at St Augustine. I need a break. So that’s my story and I’m doing what I can to see the light. I am looking forward to seeing my favorite guitarist in concert for the 12th time in Atlanta, GA Nov 20th. El Maestro Yngwie Malmsteen from Stockholm Sweden. He shreds on guitar. Over and out. Take care.

🥰 Today’s words of wisdom:

“Don’t allow someone to treat you poorly just because you love them.”

Hold my halo.
I'm about to do unto others as they have done unto me.

regarding toxic/dysfunctional people...

Pre-annoyed (adjective)

You knew this person is about to p***ss you off even before they say anything.

🥰 just a bit of humour:

“Be the reason everyone else needs therapy.”

Hi sharyn - Your hub was very ill with sepsis and pneumonia. And covid brain fog is a real thing indeed. That on top of unregulated diabetes would really do a number on him. I'm not surprised it will take a few months for his organs to recover. They are now seeing similarities between long covid and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, brain fog being one of them. I get it sometimes and it's hard to concentrate. I won't attempt to do things that are complicated or to drive. It wouldn't be safe.

R is doing better. Yesterday he was pleased as he remembered something he thought he would not have remembered earlier. I would agree - I see him slowly doing better memory wise and the aches and pains are easing with PT and some meds. I hope the neurologist can do something about the dizziness which is better, but still there. According to the PT, it's a disconnection between his brain, his eyes and his ear balance organs. He doesn't feel it when he is sitting quietly.

I agree, Your husband should be thankful that you care enough to schedule appointments and go with him. I know you don't have an easy relationship. Definitely as we age healing takes longer.

Take care and enjoy those grandkids and pets and keep us updated.

Golden, yes regarding R and the concussion. It can take a few months to recover from that as well. I’m glad you are watching that. let us know how R is recovering after seeing the neurologist. My husband said to me after the appointment, so you are the one who scheduled this! I said yes, be thankful you have someone who cares and is concerned. I’m not conspiring against you. He is70 years old now. Unfortunately it takes longer to recover the older we get ha!

Golden, Yes. We went to the dr just a bit ago. She told us that my husband had sepsis and pneumonia. We were not told about that, however, I could not go to the hospital after day 3 of my husband being because I was positive for Covid. I did call everyday. My daughter went on the weekends since her boys were not allow in and her husband is working nights during the week.

now that I know he had sepsis and pneumonia, I understand better what is going on with him. Dr said it will take up to 3 months for his organs to completely recover. Covid brain fog is a real thing we were told today

🥰 today’s words of wisdom:

Success (noun)

Walking from failure to failure until you win.

Sharyn - sorry about your husband. It sounds like he was quite ill for a while. Covid can leave many nasty after effects. Hopefully he will come back to his norm, I think you are wise to be on the alert for dementia. R is healing from his concussion. I watch him carefully to see how it had affects him. He is trying to get into a neurologist as the dizziness is still there at times.

Anxiety, that is what I am thinking too. Yesterday was just a hard day for him. He is still sleeping this morning. I will see how he is when he wakes up. He even called our daughter after dinner and she told me he wasn’t making much sense.

i hope everyone has a sunny day.


Sorry to hear about your husband. That does not sound good.

Yes, I do have such a thing on my phone, but I need to make it loader to get my attention.

Yoda, regarding your meds..can you not set times up on your cellphone where an alarm goes off to remind you to take such and such a medication now?

My hubs got up this morning asking me if we were back from our vacation East of here. He said we were staying in a house exactly like ours, even the furniture was the same. My cats were there and very comfortable with the surroundings. I asked him a few minor questions since my goal was not to cause any alarm for him or to argue about it. Then I said have you eaten breakfast, he said no. I said let’s go out for breakfast (this was to redirect his thoughts). This has been very alarming to me after having two parents with Alzheimer’s. Yet I’m reading about how Covid brain fog is very real. My hubs will not admit he is struggling even to the dr. I’m going to call the dr office Monday.

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