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robinriley1959 Asked August 2012

What can I do if my sister has power of attorney over mom and won't tell us when mom goes to hospital?

I called the nursing home to see if my mom was in the hospital and they wont give me the info. They said they could only give the information to the power of attorney. Can I get on a list for them to call me when my mom is sick and are getting ready to take her to the hospital. my mom was in the hospital 4 days and my sister did not tell me this. she has power of attorney over her. What are my rights...

robinriley1959 Aug 2012
When my sister got Power of Attorney, I did not even know it. She went behind my back and did it. We are not sure why she never calls us about mom. She said the other day that she forgot because she was so busy. I think it could be because she canbe the controller. It is a shame that she does all of this. She did leave 3 messages on my answering machine that she would try and keep me from seeing my mom in the nursing home. I still have those messages and called a lawyer. He told me if she ever does that that we would have to go to court over it. Its sad as my mom and I are close and enjoy our visits together. I am not sure as what she has control over. I think it could be both financial and medical. I never have got any paper work and she won't give me any...

jeannegibbs Aug 2012
Have you any idea why your sister is behaving this way?


1gemintherough Aug 2012
Is she POA for financial things and the like or does she also have medical durable power of attorney.? I do not thing it is nice or right that she does not notify you, but some of the laws are rather bizarre!


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