
I see that people were looking for one in 2022. Hoping you are out there in 2024! It worked great, but my husband has since passed away. It wasn't cheap, so I really would like it if someone else was able to use it. It has everything, plus a few of the external catheters. I'd have to go and count them. The accessories were well-cleaned, but you can always reorder those if you are concerned. It's the pump that is so expensive!

Find Care & Housing
Just what I have been looking for for dad. still have it?
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Reply to TonyaBlair

I am intereseted, in a purewick for men. Is this still available?
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Reply to salhay

I'm interested for a friend of ours who needs one. Thanks so much!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Dhebi101

My mother used the female version in 2022 and she passed, so we did this same thing and gave her unit to another person that needed it.
Now, our dear friend -male- is in need of the male version and we would be happy to pay for shipping and any other expense you might ask to ship to us in WA?
If this is possible, please contact me at my email address. I would be so grateful.
Thank you!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Dhebi101

You can check the local Senior Center and see if they know of anyone who needs the item.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Cashew

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