
Everyday my blood sugar is high, it has never been higher than 133 lately it gets so high that it will not even measure just says high which means up to 500. I have been getting fever every night and often I get uncontrollable chills lasting about an hour before I’m able to stop shaking which causes my jaw muscles to hurt from shivering so much, my sons have been taking turns watching over me and when I get the episode of chills they get so scared I don’t drink anything but water and sometimes PowerAde once in a while for the electrolytes. And I drink lots of water, I always have.

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First see a doctor ASAP, or if your blood sugar really is in the 500s, go to an ER.
Are you a type 1, insulin dependent, diabetic? Perhaps you need a continuous glucose monitor to better help you manage you blood sugar and insulin.
If you are a type 2, then start cutting back on the carbs and try to move more. I was well on my way to being diabetic when I went on the keto diet. My blood sugars and blood pressure are now normal, and I have lost almost 60 pounds. Since you are on medication, you would have to approach the low carb lifes slowly while keeping close tabs on your blood sugars. You don't want to risk hypoglycemia. Hope you can get this under control soon. Diabetes is a miserable disease.
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MzBella, I hope you're okay. Please let us know!
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Get to the ER!!

Had the cold shakes (though not for an hour) before hospitalization and onset diabetes diagnosis; had a bout of DKA as well.

Kept putting it off hoping to get better, when I finally called, could hardly move and get into the ambulance.

You're feeling pretty unwell, don't delay getting care!!
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The rigors......uncontrollable shivers and teeth chattering.....are indicative of something serious going on, as Rumbletown said. Do not ignore this! Get to Urgent Care immediately.

Good luck!
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Please see your M.D. Wishing you the best.
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I would bet on your having a Urinary Tract Infection. Please get to Urgent Care right away.
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Yes, you need to see a doctor or get to an ER.
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Shaking chills sounds like rigors which can be a response to serious infection (including in bloodstream). High sugars would match that and also by their own are risk for DKA.

With these two, you should seek medical attention immediately, specifically the ER.
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