
I empathize with adult children who are caregivers.
I need to hear more from spouses of patients who need full-time care. Thanks!

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Peggy, many of us(including myself) on this forum have cared for or are caring for a spouse. As in many of us.
Not sure exactly what you're looking for as while caring for a spouse can be different than a child caring for a parent, there still are far more similarities than not.
If you have specific questions for the spouses you need to just post your question or discussion stating so. But don't be surprised when others chime in as well because like I said when caregiving for a loved one spouse or not, there are more similarities than not.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

Peggy, there are many and I answered more than a few today.
If you want "DISCUSSION" here, then it is up to you to ask the questions and open the discussion.
Those who are caring for hubbies, and we have MANY will gladly answer your posts. We have caregivers who have worked with their spouses, partners, siblings, even children.
Jump right in! The water's fine.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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