
They are regular Fruit of the Loom socks — some are black some are white. The seam at the top seems to cut into his calves (not really cutting, but are tight). He isn't retaining water or anything and he is thin as a rail. What socks do you use that won't do this to him?

There are larger, looser socks out there - usually in medical section of stores or pharmacies. Please let his doctor know about this since he may have problems with the circulation in his legs.
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Reply to Taarna

Diabetic socks would be beneficial. So would support stockings. Your dad's legs may be swelling up due to heart issues.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Onlychild2024

Your father requires memory care facility. I also wrote in your profile.
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Reply to Patathome01

KDinMD60: He needs to be seen by his physician and perhaps a cardiologist as he may be experiencing edema.
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Reply to Llamalover47

Diabetic socks will not leave indent marks on his skin.
There are also diabetic gripper socks, which have the non-slip grippers on the bottom of the feet.
Please be aware that many doctors recommend that older folks wear white socks so any blood from cuts or punctures can be easily seen. Especially for people who have compromised feeling in their feet.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JanPeck123

adult family home
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Reply to GENET20

There are socks that have a looser, non-binding top to improve circulation and prevent constriction. These socks are often called “diabetic” socks and are made with soft, breathable materials and minimal seams to reduce the risk of irritation. You can find them at most drug stores, medical supply stores, or online.

Here are a few well regarded brands:

Dr. Scholl’s Diabetes and Circulatory Socks.

Thorlos Diabetic Socks

Yomandamor Diabetic Socks (available on Amazon)

Diabetics Comfort Socks by Physicians’ Choice

MediPeds Diabetic Socks

These socks are designed for comfort and improved circulation. You can find them at stores like Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens or online.

I hope this helps your father and anyone else looking for a comfortable fit.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to HaveYourBack

Check on Etsy .com. I Like wool socks and cotton socks .
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Reply to KNance72

Above is a link to diabetic socks on Amazon. Please do get dad checked out by his PCP, however, since this is a new issue.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to lealonnie1

If he's "thin as a rail" yet his socks are too tight I'd be concerned about edema and therefore perhaps congestive heart failure, where one's legs start to retain fluid because the heart is weakening. Does he seem more easily fatigued lately? Or confused? Are his legs cool to the touch? Please take him in to get checked soon, by his primary doctor ideally.

My husband cuts the tops off his socks because he has the same problem but he's not skinny.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Geaton777

I would look on Amazon for stockings that are sometimes called "diabetic stockings". You want them loose at the top. All cotton and all wool works. Anything with any elastic anywhere in them does NOT. You an also take sharp nail scissors and make vertical cuts in about four places around neck of sock at 12-O'clock, at 3, at 6 and at 9 O'Clock.

You did check carefully for pitting edema I hope?
Often what happens with our failing circulation is called dependent edema. Can cause this. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer

How about some lower fitting socks that just cover his ankles, or the kind that just go over his heal?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

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