
My mother does not eat much at all not even enough for a baby. She has energy sometimes not complaining of pain there is not any major diagnosis. Any advice??

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MJack2025m welcome to the forum. There could be so many different things that could cause your Mom not to eat very much. When was the last time she saw her dentist? A damaged tooth could make it painful to eat.

As we get older, we do tend to lose our sense of taste, but can still taste sweets. So unless your Mom needs to avoid sweets, see if she will eat ice cream, cupcakes, pies, cakes, etc.

Acid Reflex could be another reason. Try to avoid tomatoes, mayo, and certain fruit like bananas, blueberries, and other acidly fruit.
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Reply to freqflyer

Might you tell us mom's weight and height? Her age?
Do know, if you google "elders and weight loss" or "elders and appetite" or "elders and sleep patterns" you will see that the norm is very decreased appetite and intake and very increased need of, longing for, sleep.

I hope you will remain on the Forum and read posts. You will quickly see that your concerns are very common in caregivers.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Has she had an updated medical evaluation? How old is she? Sorry to answer a question with questions but given the limited info, it’s hard to know how to better answer. If she’s quite aged it may be her calorie need has diminished naturally. If she’s declining and nearing end of life she will lose appetite and food will become unnecessary.
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Reply to Daughterof1930

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