Our elderly, immobile loved one who is fully incontinent has developed peeling skin on their butt cheeks-we usually use A&D daily when we change their tabbed brief. We switched to Aquaphor when the peeling started (like how a sunburn would peel, but not red like a sun burn) but it didnt improve/enough. I just started using the Desitin maximum strength (40% zinc oxide) tonight for the first time so hope that works. They normally sleep on their back in the hospital bed with an APP alternating air pressure mattress. Last night we put them on one side, tonight on the other side, hoping to give the skin a break from always have weight on it (during day our loved one is always in their tilt in space wheelchair, except when we change them using a hoyer u-sling)-any other ointments we should try? we switched from using sensitive baby wipes on their butt cheek skin to using a soft wash cloth with warm water. Tonight i also put warmish water directly on the skin to clean it using a portable/hande held bidet we have, before patting it gently with the wash cloth, and then drying it with a dry washcloth and then applying the maximum strength desitin. they often have skin issues-this is just the 1st time we've had the peeling skin-they have been urinating greater volumes lately so i attribute it to that-thanks
You will want to see what the doctor says is wrong with the area on your hubby's buttocks. May be due to urine or yeast. You have to know first.
This barrier cream has worked beautifully. We use it on the buttocks, the skin of the perineum, in the thigh folds, on scrotum and on penis shaft. Anywhere that urine or feces may touch skin.
It is thinner than A&D and more breathable than Aquaphor. It doesn't dry out the skin like Desetin or zinc oxide creams.
We get it from Hospice. It can also be ordered on Amazon. I've not found it in drug stores.
Was this the brand/type you used: https://www.amazon.com/Medline-MSC092532UNSC-Phytoplex-Hydraguard-Unscented/dp/B074N76BJ6/ref=asc_df_B074N76BJ6?mcid=f8a1ab8004c639d18978559ac7eb1c02&hvocijid=5622771389625188110-B074N76BJ6-&hvexpln=73&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=730434177080&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5622771389625188110&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003458&hvtargid=pla-2281435178618&th=1?
Thanks again
I am so sorry.