Hi, I’m new here.
My husband has started having issues when he pees, urine gets on the floor. I’m not talking a little spillage, sometimes it’s like he missed the toilet completely. It happens whether he’s standing or sitting. He says he’s making sure he “aims” it in the right direction.
He's 67 and it’s getting him quite depressed. I don’t like how it’s got him so down, but would also like to not have to clean 2 bathrooms daily!
We are both dealing with health issues. He is diabetic and has mobility difficulties. I have chronic back pain and peripheral neuropathy.
Any suggestions on what we can do?
All help is appreciated!
What is the two finger test for Parkinson's disease?
In finger tapping the patient is instructed to tap the index finger on the thumb as fast possible and as big as possible. This means that the patient should try to separate the two fingers as much as possible before tapping them. Make sure to test both the right and the left side.
If DH is unable to perform the finger tapping test, ask the doctor to check him out for possible Parkinson's Disease.
Here is a link to an Agingcare post in this very topics from 2019:
Wishing you the best of luck with a difficult situation.
Is there any dementia involved here?
And that may mean you following him in to make sure he's doing it correctly.
My late husband only had use of one hand after his stroke and developed essential tremors in his one good hand/arm so he too missed the toilet all the time. and I too had to make sure that he then sat down to pee every time. He didn't like it much at first, but over time got used to it and it became second nature.
I know that you say that he misses even when he's sitting, but if his penis is tucked in properly that should not be the case.
So again, you may have to start following him into the bathroom to make sure he's doing it correctly until like my husband it becomes second nature to him.
Best wishes.