
Mama voice and eyesight is deteriorating with Parkinson’s and I can t understand her on phone. Any ideas?

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My daddy was not the tech person that he wanted to be. He had a cell phone but when his ALZ started I could tell we needed something better. I found Grandpad. It was great! it does not work on wifi it works on data. It is made for the ALZ patient. It only allows people who are entered into the phone to call - so no spam phone calls!!! It has games, news, and if you want you can set up for the internet. Cost back in 2019 was 200.00 for the pad and 45.00 month for the data. The size is about 5"x7".
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Ohwow323

I've heard others on this forum talk about a Grandpad. Don't know how much it costs or what its functions are but maybe check it out.

My 95-yr old Mom is using my old iPad to play games (that's all she does on it). She's been using it for several years so the learning curve wasn't too painful.
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Reply to Geaton777

Dharma1969, welcome to the forum. I know what your Mom is going through as I too have age related eye issues and an occasional hand tremor. Forget about cellphones, they are not user friendly when it comes to hand/eye health issues.

Did your Mom use a desk top computer in the past? If the answer is "yes", then email is the perfect answer. For some reason my hand tremors are limited when I am busy typing. As for the seeing, one can set the font as high as needed to read. I can still fly on a full size standard keyboard (my keyboard is made by Keys-U-See, the keys are in bright yellow with black lettering). My hubby has one, too. We bought these keyboards 10 years ago, and the company still makes them.

My older cousins use email to communicate (they are in their 70's and 80's). I have had my AOL email for over 20 years now, the format is easier to use then others I have tired. Anyway, something to think about :)
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to freqflyer

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