
My mother is one of the most miserable humans on Earth, and has been for years. Whenever anyone has asked her "How are you doing?", for as far back in my memory as I can reach, I can never remember her saying "I'm fine". Now she's smoked herself to death. She has COPD, CHF, steroid-induced diabetes, a colostomy, osteoporosis, bone spurs in her neck, neuropathy in her limbs, brittle skin that tears at the drop of a hat...the list seems endless. She refuses to get out of bed to try to exercise to keep up any strength, and wants me to do more and more and more for her.

She's in the hospital right now because of a fall last week. She says her knees gave out.

I don't think it's so horrible that I just want this woman to finally have some peace, and yes, honestly, for the rest of us around her to have some as well. The discord and disharmony this narcissist spreads with her always ALWAYS negative attitude takes a toll. She will never change, and her health will only continue to go downhill.

I realize that I don't get to make the decision of when she goes, but I will admit that I do want her to. I think it's the only way she'll finally be "fine".

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You are an adult.
You are going to have to take responsibility for 50% of this weary battle with your mom.
Sorry, she is old and failing and a pain-in-the-neck, as they say.
But we should/could expect more from you.
You have several time mentioned hatred of your mother.
The best thing to do when we hate someone is to withdraw from their general vicinity. As Burnt says, drop off the diapers. Figuratively and literally. Hatred does no good to change her and hatred eats YOU from the inside out.
As I said, you are responsible for your actions, as an adult.
You will suffer for it if you have hatred for your mother. You will suffer for it even when she is GONE. And then you will wish to tell us all about that, as well, as though we have an answer for hatred.
When there's an answer to hatred I think I will rule the world.
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Reply to AlvaDeer


You can drop off Moms Depends, and whatever else at the nurse’s office and not even see Mom . They will bring them to her if you tell them you need a break from Mom . I did this. My mother also resorted to sitting at the front door waiting to ambush me with her vitriol and make a scene . I would call the receptionist that sat at the front door . If my mother was sitting there , the receptionist would send someone out to my car to get the things I brought so I didn’t have to come in. This was on and off for a few months until Mom calmed down a bit .
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to waytomisery

I've commented on this before, but I'm here to say, again I have this wish. I wish and pray that it is soon. I have severe hatred for my mom right now. I can't stand how selfish she is. I want to go back to living my life and taking time for myself when I can get it, without having to deal with her nonsense again, and again and again. If it isn't one problem it's another. She needs cough drops, she needs things she effing has, she broke her glasses, she can't see as well as she used to, she pees 8 times a day, she has diarrhea often, the "working girls" at her AL stole her 2 stained old lady shirts and 2 pairs of 2nd hand elastic waistband jeans, the food is awful, she's a prisoner, the lady that sits next to her at meals is a snob, she can't stand other lady because she laughs a lot and the other residents talk to her. She's lost weight so her clothes are too big but she won't wear anything that isn't a piece of clothing she already owns. Not even if you buy it from a 2nd hand shop. Not even if it's hand me downs. I guess she thinks we can just wave a magic wand and make the clothes she has smaller. The lights in the dining room are too bright. The laundry aide is too fat. The little Asian lady had the nerve to speak to her. She got a 2 dollar bill for her prescriptions and somehow that's a reason to hyperventilate, you name the complaints she's got 'em. The outright lies she says about me on top of it because she's mad that I don't have 24 hours a day to deal with her, I've got my own life, jobs, a house, kids, etc... She's supposed to be who I take care of. Not my kids, not my patients, not myself. Her. If I don't visit for a while, it dies down, but I also have to make sure she has her briefs, shampoo, tooth paste, denture cream, so eventually I HAVE to bring her those things. Then she starts right back up again with the constant "Help me. My life isn't what I want it to be and you have to make it what I want it to be" messages. I can't take it anymore. I want to be done. I'm beyond tired. I've gained 20 lbs in 8 months. I've lost TEETH from clenching my jaw. I'm supposed to be teaching a healthcare class and I blank out mid sentence. I either can't sleep or can't get enough sleep. My body hurts. And she doesn't even live with me, which by the way, is another constant subject that she tries to guilt trip me with. Please God. She is always talking about how she hopes she dies soon, give her her wish! PLEASE!
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to mommabeans

BelleFleur...Family Love is a hard thing to overcome to save someone in your mother's situation. It is time to get doctors' evaluations and apply for guardianship through the legal system. She is in the hospital...find a way to keep her there or send her for extended rehab until a saving process can be put into place. My sister had some of these symptons but is now in Memory Care and doing a lot better. She swore she would not give up smoking but now has done so. Let medical caregivers do their job if you can make it happen. It may save her life as well as her attitude. Then you can rest!!!
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Reply to PandaKing

I’ve felt this way about my mother, 76, hoarder, depressed, “symptoms of several personality disorders” per the psych NP mother. I won’t go into the whole bit but it’s in my profile.
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Reply to Oedgar23

Today was a bad day for my father. My husband and I sat in the nursing home with him for an hour. My father did not say two words. Just sat there with a vacant look staring through us. He did not eat the Italian pastry I brought him that has always been his favorite.

I can say yes he should be gone already. No one should linger like this. I hope the end comes soon for both our sakes.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Hothouseflower
ElizabethAR37 Feb 18, 2025
As an elder I would not want to be in his shoes! Or yours.
My MIL died one year ago, on the day after Valentine's Day (which is also my DH's birthday).

I was curious as to how DH was handling this 'anniversary' and asked him if he was 'all right'. He said "Yeah, why are you asking?' I reminded him it had been one year since his mom died, and he paused for a nanosecond and said "I am absolutely fine. So glad she's gone. Her last year of life was complete hell on all of us."

And that was it.

I'd written on this forum about her, a lot, and I personally was just fine when she died. One thing that WAS sad was that the mortician who 'laid her out' kept apologizing for how she looked. He said it was impossible to 'arrange' her face in anything remotely looking like a smile. We said "Well, that's exactly how she looked in life, so no worries."

She was a miserable, angry person for all her adult life. Maybe she had some pleasant moments as a child, but you wouldn't have known it.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Midkid58
Isthisrealyreal Feb 17, 2025
It is a good thing that he has faced and acknowledged the truth of the situation midkid.

My mom died on February 16th two years ago and the anniversary barely hits my radar. It was what it was and my grieving for it won't change it, I made peace with it before she died. So I can get where your hubby is coming from.
I, too, have wished my mom would pass away. She is a negative person. Always has been. I’m so glad I’m not a child anymore. She spits hate, sees nothing positive, and is horrible to be around. She requires the TV to be turned up all the way so it’s become my refuge. I don’t have to interact with her when the TV is on. I often ask myself when this will be over and if I recover my life what will that look like? It’s exhausting being a caregiver. Thank you for writing what a lot of us feel.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to rstinne
BurntCaregiver Feb 17, 2025

Why can't you take your life back now? Why does your mother get to decide what your life will be like and whether or not you will be allowed to have some happiness in it?

You're an adult. Mommy doesn't get control of your life anymore unless you willingly let her have control.

If a blasting tv is your only refuge (and I know how it is) then you need to get away from your mother. You don't have to wait for her to die to give yourself a life. You can start doing that today.

I know all about the guilt and gaslighting our mothers use as weapons to manipulate us. Please believe me when I say, the worst guilt you could ever imagine having over leaving your mother behind will be nothing next to the misery you live in with her.

Start taking back your own life. No one has to die in order for you to do this.
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This is for anyone of this feed. I am very much in your shoes also. I ask myself, why is my Mom, 90, is still with us. How can this be God’s plan. There is no quality of life for my Mom. And it feels like the situation is slowly killing me. Mom is physically healthy but dementia has taken away all her dignity. I am heartbroken, exhausted & yes, I too drink when I never before in my life have. My hubby, almost 74, also has MCI but I make him take Lion’s Mane. I make quilts & that is kind of like my therapy. Prayers to all of you. I pray for my Mom to slip away in her sleep, no pain, no prolonged suffering.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to Sadformom2
JimsOnlyChild Mar 4, 2025
I am right there with you as my father is 91. He lives next door, but I am constantly checking the camera for his next fall, etc. His life quality is poor, and I also pray that he passes in his sleep. Hard to see him like this everyday....and I drink every evening after work to deal with it.
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You are at burnout. Its all become just too much and its natural to feel resentful and angry. Try to speak to a counsellor and get those feelings out.
I would make enquiries at the hospital on what services are available to you - that your mother requires a level of care you arent able to give anymore. She needs to go into a care facility. I would have thought the hospial would have suggested that with all of her ailments. Go speak to someone in charge and express your concerns that you cannot cope anymore and can they help find a solution for your mother as she cant return back home - the care isnt available.
You also need to rest and get some me time. Take advantage of that whilst she is in hospital. You cant live on guilt burning yourself out. You need to explore some counselling to get rid of /manage the hurt inside of you so that you can move on with your life in a positive way. Good luck - I wish you well. (time for your life now)
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Jenny10

I'll pray that your mothers time is coming to an end soon, if you do the same for me.! My mother never wanted any of us (5 girls/1 boy) but she obviously didn't know about birth control. I live with Mom in her home. My twin sister comes for a few hours Monday thru Friday so I can go to the store or whatever. All I do is roll her ass to the bathroom every 2 hrs to change her diaper. I pray that she will finally drop dead so I can have my life back. This is not the retirement I had in mind for myself. I didn't have children, because I didn't want to be tied down or responsible for anyone else. I thought I would be able to travel, etc. now I'm spending my savings on piss pads for the bed, diapers and wipes. Mom says that I can have my life back after she dies. The problem is she will probably live to be 115 (she's 94 with diabetes, dementia HBP, high cholesterol, arthritis, etc). Complaining about it on this forum helps a little.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Ihatecaregiving
JanPeck123 Dec 31, 2024
Dear Ihatecaregiving,
You have taken on a daunting task in caring for your mother.
But you don't have to wait for her to die to take your life back. And it's insensitive and just mean of her to say you do.
Next time she is admitted to the hospital, refuse to have her discharged to you. Find a long term care home for her. Sounds like it was not a good relationship to begin with. Please don't let her drag you and your sister down. Don't use your savings. Have her Apply for Medicaid.
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My mom is 99 with a rectal prolapse and dementia. I can not find a memory care that will help with managing her prolapse so it has been on my for 3 years. I pray for her to pass every day. I am exhausted
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Seizethebay
Ihave4dogs Feb 24, 2025
My girlfriend from school took over her mothers care until it wore her down! She used the nursing home as a daycare! She picked her up everyday after work and took her home and fed her and bathed her and returned her to the nursing home the next morning! She got real sick and hospitalized and her mother was there at the nursing home 24/7! Her other sisters didn't care! She was home resting and had her priest cousin and cousin a nun for dinner! She was going to have a joint 100th uncle and her mother's 99th birthday! Her cousin said she looked rested and was gaining her strength back! Her neighbor realized that she hadn't seen her or her dog for days and called the police! They could hear her dog barking and her car was in the garage! They broke her lock and she was in the basement lying on the steps out cold! She had a blot clot in her brain! At her funeral her 99 yr old mother and 100 yr old uncle sat by her coffin! Her cousin said when they told her mother about her death she said, is that the girl that takes me to her house for visits! My friend never married because her mother spent her lifetime hating her father! She was the buffer between them! Her cousin, a priest said during his sermon that she wasted a lifetime with hatred and after he died she was really upset! He said hatred can ruin lives! Boy is he right! What happens if you are the victim of hatred and don't know it?
I feel your pain.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to chickenann

I know this is an old post, but it is something that I think every caregiver deals with. I love my husband dearly. Would walk through fire for him.
He has Parkinson's and some LBD. Has been bed bound 2 years. He has no desire to get into his wheelchair in these last 5 months. Too painful for him using hoyer lift. But he has great home care and is otherwise very healthy. No pressure sores or broken skin, and still chews and swallow thoroughly. He has decided no DNR. I am torn between wanting him with me and will keep providing good care with aids and hospice; and knowing that he could live for years like this and having that break my heart.
I am conflicted about what to pray for. It seems like no win situation.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to JanPeck123
Evamar Dec 26, 2024
I know how you feel Jan
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This is exactly how I feel about my Mom. She will be 94 in Jan. I don't feel bad that I hope this will be her last one. Unfortunately, I have the feeling she is going to live to be 115.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Ihatecaregiving
Ihave4dogs Feb 24, 2025
Every time I went to my mother's house she would say she was ready to die! She was almost 89 and was lonely, but ruled by my sister! My one sister said to call an agency to see how much home visits would cost! My other sister and I called and set up an appointment for the next day! My sister in charge was livid! My mother told her we made the appointment! She harassed the company and said they had better not show up! The nurse called me and said your sister is a b***h! I said no kidding and my mother put her in charge? The meanest seem to live the longest! The only one that cried the night she died was the b***h! The rest of us knew she got what she wanted! No one could make her do anything!
12 year old post
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MACinCT
Cazzymac Dec 22, 2024
I’ve just joined AgingCare.
I didn’t know about it, nor did I need it 12 years ago.
So far, I’ve stumbled across several posts as old as this one and I, for one, am glad they are still active as they’re relevant to my current caregiving situation.
So thankful to have found this community, and the fact that posts like this are still active years later speaks volumes.
I don’t think it is wrong to want the situation to end for both of you! Sadly someone would have to die. Facilities take some pressure off but they have their own set of issues. Monitored care has to be monitored by family. I will say most people do not want to hear us say out loud we want our loved one to die! Best unsaid. In this world we want everyone to live forever…a goal that can not be achieved.. Lots of us will outlive our brain…so so sad!
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Sadinroanokeva

If she needs more help than yu can offer or provide, you can tell the hospital and her returning to your home is not an option and the hospital can look for a NH for's ok to say...given her medical needs and the needs of myself and my family, i can no longer do both with the degree of care and attention both need, so unfortunately I need to focus on my family and my own health. This persons health can be managed at a nh and you can always visit and be family not a nurse or cna or homemaker for her
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Merlin1

I know how you feel! Only you can feel the pain caused by this person! The hatred you get from them makes you feel like an unappreciated person! I am sure that my husband will outlast me because his body is much better than mine! I have taken years of he is such a nice person! The whole time he was rotten to the core and I knew it but my self esteem was suppressed by outside opinions! I wasted my life with him! 55 years later I am pretty much home bound due to physical and financial reasons! I will say that I do hate him and I have every right to! He used me financially, physically, and emotionally! He lied about everything and will die without ever telling the truth! My truth is that no one cares about me and never will! The person that you counted on to be there will never be! We are on our own! Speak up! Tell them the truth, because they really don't care anyhow! Don't keep it inside you because it will only make you sick!
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Ihave4dogs

Have you considered Hospice? Anyone can self refer to different hospice agencies. It is a daily benefit under medicare or insurance including a nurse and social worker who can help navigate the system. This does not sound easy but things like falls would get addressed by hospice not in an ER or hospital.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to PennyAmes

I’m not sure of what faith you have or believe in but it sounds like Prayer may be a help to you! Everyone says write your feelings down but I’m not consistent in that. I’m caring for my mom in law of 43 years who is wanting to go to Heaven. She’s been very kind in her life always helping and positive! She is 86 and last couple of years health has declined. She’s got severe arthritis and has had to have a pacemaker and watchman installed. She has also suffered 2 brain bleeds that she overcame and went on to have a few good years !! She had a hard life growing up but has never complained only Prayed when heaviness was upon her! She asked last week why won’t God bring me home does he not want me? My response was that your mission in life has not ended. Currently she is now just being kept comfortable by hospice in a facility. We have friends family in and out but she does not know any of us just responds by mumbling. We honor her wishes by praying for her to be at peace and to be lead HOME to HEAVEN to her next chapter in life. She is the last sibling of 6 children. With your mom it’s been much harder for you and you just need to be ok to not be ok some days!! If you get down it will help no one!! Take care of yourself pray, take walks just anything that helps you. You did not cause her illness but you are suffering thru it. You sound as if you have done your part so now seek out friends maybe someone you can talk to but you need to not suffer for her making herself miserable. Tell her that you love her and would like to hear her happy memories of her life and you love and care for her but do not become a slave to her and her dependence on you! Set simple ground rules that are kind to her but relieve you! I’m no counselor just a wife mom and daughter so I hope this helps!!! Life is hard but it’s also what we make of it so be kind to yourself!! Find what maybe you have in common a funny movie and popcorn or coffee and puzzle but set ground rules and tell her you feel for her but cannot and will not go on with her attitude! I think if you quit letting her lead you and you take over the reins and tell her what you plan you have and when you are doing it Follow thru with a little self love it will help! Sounds like she has brought you into a depression and anxiety by trying to make you and others sympathetic towards her. Sounds to me as if a little tough love along with strong love and determination may help you both!! Tell her that unless she can find one good thing a day to say that you will not listen to her complain all day! Tell her I love you and enough is enough! Mom today you will find something good to say or to really laugh about and if she does not listen write her a letter and tell her your thoughts. I will PRAY for you and hope you can have a mom that can just appreciate you for you because it sounds like you care greatly!! Please don’t be like her.Say today I start loving and living and tell her hop on the train or get left at the station! I’m sorry so long a response but I hope it helps and I Pray God let’s you be at peace and happy for yourself today. Take baby steps and breathe deep!! Good luck I hope we hear back good news from you!!
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to HappyGranny24
Ihave4dogs Dec 3, 2024
You apparently never lived with a compulsive liar! They suck the blood from you! Everything they do wrong is your fault! After years you just stop listening to their lies and excuses because you are over them! The problem is they never stop! You are thinking they have finally reformed and years go by with many lies that were buried! The expression shit floats to the surface is what happens! It would be nice to die thinking you had just one person that was looking out for you! It's so sad to find out the person you thought you could count on is really your enemy! 55 years too late!
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My Mother is a Narcissist. She is 86 and its only me now alive to help her, I am 65 and raising grandchildren. She has always been hateful, etc. and has no friends. Multiple health issues and now is accusing me of things that arent true. (dementia) I feel like I will only truly be "free" until she dies. I pray for her to leave this earth. I dont feel guilty about all.
Helpful Answer (15)
Reply to SAH707
GenXsandwich Oct 22, 2024
My mother is 81 and has a myriad of mental health issues, including narcissism. Dementia has actually made her nicer, which is a big break. But --I hear you; I pray for her to leave, too, and I feel no guilt, just sadness for the waste of a life for a talented woman who never reached her potential.

I pray we all find peace soon.
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My father took care of my mom with Parkinson's when he was in his 60s and early 70s. When she died he said he was relieved. He remarried and had a very good 2nd marriage. Now I'm responsible for him with his dementia. He is 99. Fortunately, he managed his money so he can be in memory care. I can have a life. But I will be relieved for him and me when he passes. Yes, he's safe and clean, but he's not really "there" anymore.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to JR2555

I feel that way sometimes, and my mom is not anywhere near as bad as yours
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Momlittr

My mother also is in late state COPD, has schizophrenia, dementia, blood clots in both her lungs and has an ileostomy bag. All this plus she just lost my dad last year. She has never learned how to make herself happy, choosing instead to rely on others to make her feel secure. Every time I ask her how she is lately she says "terrible."

I have been praying for her to pass for months now. I get it. And it's normal. It doesn't make you a bad person. It means you care about her happiness and don't see any other way for her to be happy.

She's on her own journey. Perhaps she still has things to learn and going through this painful experience will bring her some understanding and peace at the very end. You will too.

I'll share a quick story that might help.

My mom hasn't cried in 20 years. Not even when my dad died. She wished she could but because of her medications, and her adeptness at denial, she just couldn't shed a tear. Then last week, after we moved her to a new care facility and she realized she was there for good, she SOBBED. And sobbed. And sobbed. I have never seen her cry like that in my entire life. Something finally broke free and she was able to comprehend her situation and her loss. It was so painful to watch, but it was a necessary part of her journey. I wouldn't be surprised if she passes away soon. It felt that significant.

Be patient. Trust the process. And most importantly, take care of yourself. By witnessing her pain you are learning how important it is for you to focus on your own happiness.
Helpful Answer (14)
Reply to itsgoingtobeok

With her health problems if your not certified in how to take care of her mentally and physically then yes you will be living in hell it's like nothing you do is right but everything you try is wrong . With all those medical problems is she on Medicaid if so they will take her in a nursing home where she will get the 24/7 care she will listen to . When a families son or daughter tries to take care of them they will refuse anything because they are your boss not the other way around and mentally it drives them crazy that they raised you and now you basically are taking care of her like a baby because she does nothing . Try getting her on medicaid or in her condition hospice people say hospice is for the ones on there dealth bed but wrong they are not my Aunt has had hospice for two yrs and they are wonderful two times a week for a nurse and and nurses aid will come in three times a week to bathe clean her bed and bathe her in the shower if she can it really helps the family because now someone professional is helping and that can make your mind alot better
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Theyneedlovetwo

I have recently discovered that as the caregiver/go-to-person you could well be suffering from Complex Post Traumatic Disorder (CPTSD). It causes unbearable stress if you have no hope to get away from such a stressful situation.
In the end it is your subconscious that is trying to find a way for you to survive emotionally. And unless you survive emotionally, you become sick physically.
So instead of perhaps starting to think that you are such a terrible person, I would love to recommend watching Tim Fletcher on You Tube.
It is the most helpful thing and a life saver to get you to understand where you yourself are, and why.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to CharlieFoxtrot1
Shellybeau Sep 16, 2024
Tim Fletcher. Thank you for that information. I am really going through it right now with the guilt and I'm sticking with it but the stress is killing me. I've developed OCD, I think as a way of trying to gain some level of control. I don't know how long I can continue to do this. She's 92, her body is failing her, she's mentally fine. Watching her demise is just too much. But I know if I put her in a nursing home there is no way she will get the personal care that she gets at home. I was thinking today that it's actually cruel to have these medical interventions that cause people to live way past what is normal. Her quality of life is not good. I worked at a hospital and was amazed that they would routinely do interventional heart operations on people in their late 80's. $$$$$😔
No it's not wrong. and unless you believe in god, he has nothing to do with it.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Dillsburglady

I can truly relate. I just keep asking God to give all of us in the situation peace.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to debinurse

no, you can pray that the Lird takes them to heaven . no one likes to see anyone suffer. it’s a normal thought to have. i have it everyday for my loved one cause they were a good person but to see old age rob them of quality of life is one of the hardest things. my girlfriend at 28 who passed of cancer sane thoughts. it’s normal!
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Julzb50
Ihave4dogs Feb 24, 2025
What about the ones going to hell? There are some people that you could do handstands in front of and they just don't care! They bleed you throughout your life and they outlive you! My mother said at my father's funeral that she thought she would go first! She always said that the person taking you to appointments for problems should be the one they interview! She said they could tell them exactly what they did to make you sick!
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