My mother is one of the most miserable humans on Earth, and has been for years. Whenever anyone has asked her "How are you doing?", for as far back in my memory as I can reach, I can never remember her saying "I'm fine". Now she's smoked herself to death. She has COPD, CHF, steroid-induced diabetes, a colostomy, osteoporosis, bone spurs in her neck, neuropathy in her limbs, brittle skin that tears at the drop of a hat...the list seems endless. She refuses to get out of bed to try to exercise to keep up any strength, and wants me to do more and more and more for her.
She's in the hospital right now because of a fall last week. She says her knees gave out.
I don't think it's so horrible that I just want this woman to finally have some peace, and yes, honestly, for the rest of us around her to have some as well. The discord and disharmony this narcissist spreads with her always ALWAYS negative attitude takes a toll. She will never change, and her health will only continue to go downhill.
I realize that I don't get to make the decision of when she goes, but I will admit that I do want her to. I think it's the only way she'll finally be "fine".
You are an adult.
You are going to have to take responsibility for 50% of this weary battle with your mom.
Sorry, she is old and failing and a pain-in-the-neck, as they say.
But we should/could expect more from you.
You have several time mentioned hatred of your mother.
The best thing to do when we hate someone is to withdraw from their general vicinity. As Burnt says, drop off the diapers. Figuratively and literally. Hatred does no good to change her and hatred eats YOU from the inside out.
As I said, you are responsible for your actions, as an adult.
You will suffer for it if you have hatred for your mother. You will suffer for it even when she is GONE. And then you will wish to tell us all about that, as well, as though we have an answer for hatred.
When there's an answer to hatred I think I will rule the world.
You can drop off Moms Depends, and whatever else at the nurse’s office and not even see Mom . They will bring them to her if you tell them you need a break from Mom . I did this. My mother also resorted to sitting at the front door waiting to ambush me with her vitriol and make a scene . I would call the receptionist that sat at the front door . If my mother was sitting there , the receptionist would send someone out to my car to get the things I brought so I didn’t have to come in. This was on and off for a few months until Mom calmed down a bit .
I can say yes he should be gone already. No one should linger like this. I hope the end comes soon for both our sakes.
I was curious as to how DH was handling this 'anniversary' and asked him if he was 'all right'. He said "Yeah, why are you asking?' I reminded him it had been one year since his mom died, and he paused for a nanosecond and said "I am absolutely fine. So glad she's gone. Her last year of life was complete hell on all of us."
And that was it.
I'd written on this forum about her, a lot, and I personally was just fine when she died. One thing that WAS sad was that the mortician who 'laid her out' kept apologizing for how she looked. He said it was impossible to 'arrange' her face in anything remotely looking like a smile. We said "Well, that's exactly how she looked in life, so no worries."
She was a miserable, angry person for all her adult life. Maybe she had some pleasant moments as a child, but you wouldn't have known it.
My mom died on February 16th two years ago and the anniversary barely hits my radar. It was what it was and my grieving for it won't change it, I made peace with it before she died. So I can get where your hubby is coming from.
Why can't you take your life back now? Why does your mother get to decide what your life will be like and whether or not you will be allowed to have some happiness in it?
You're an adult. Mommy doesn't get control of your life anymore unless you willingly let her have control.
If a blasting tv is your only refuge (and I know how it is) then you need to get away from your mother. You don't have to wait for her to die to give yourself a life. You can start doing that today.
I know all about the guilt and gaslighting our mothers use as weapons to manipulate us. Please believe me when I say, the worst guilt you could ever imagine having over leaving your mother behind will be nothing next to the misery you live in with her.
Start taking back your own life. No one has to die in order for you to do this.
I would make enquiries at the hospital on what services are available to you - that your mother requires a level of care you arent able to give anymore. She needs to go into a care facility. I would have thought the hospial would have suggested that with all of her ailments. Go speak to someone in charge and express your concerns that you cannot cope anymore and can they help find a solution for your mother as she cant return back home - the care isnt available.
You also need to rest and get some me time. Take advantage of that whilst she is in hospital. You cant live on guilt burning yourself out. You need to explore some counselling to get rid of /manage the hurt inside of you so that you can move on with your life in a positive way. Good luck - I wish you well. (time for your life now)
You have taken on a daunting task in caring for your mother.
But you don't have to wait for her to die to take your life back. And it's insensitive and just mean of her to say you do.
Next time she is admitted to the hospital, refuse to have her discharged to you. Find a long term care home for her. Sounds like it was not a good relationship to begin with. Please don't let her drag you and your sister down. Don't use your savings. Have her Apply for Medicaid.
He has Parkinson's and some LBD. Has been bed bound 2 years. He has no desire to get into his wheelchair in these last 5 months. Too painful for him using hoyer lift. But he has great home care and is otherwise very healthy. No pressure sores or broken skin, and still chews and swallow thoroughly. He has decided no DNR. I am torn between wanting him with me and will keep providing good care with aids and hospice; and knowing that he could live for years like this and having that break my heart.
I am conflicted about what to pray for. It seems like no win situation.
I didn’t know about it, nor did I need it 12 years ago.
So far, I’ve stumbled across several posts as old as this one and I, for one, am glad they are still active as they’re relevant to my current caregiving situation.
So thankful to have found this community, and the fact that posts like this are still active years later speaks volumes.
I pray we all find peace soon.
I have been praying for her to pass for months now. I get it. And it's normal. It doesn't make you a bad person. It means you care about her happiness and don't see any other way for her to be happy.
She's on her own journey. Perhaps she still has things to learn and going through this painful experience will bring her some understanding and peace at the very end. You will too.
I'll share a quick story that might help.
My mom hasn't cried in 20 years. Not even when my dad died. She wished she could but because of her medications, and her adeptness at denial, she just couldn't shed a tear. Then last week, after we moved her to a new care facility and she realized she was there for good, she SOBBED. And sobbed. And sobbed. I have never seen her cry like that in my entire life. Something finally broke free and she was able to comprehend her situation and her loss. It was so painful to watch, but it was a necessary part of her journey. I wouldn't be surprised if she passes away soon. It felt that significant.
Be patient. Trust the process. And most importantly, take care of yourself. By witnessing her pain you are learning how important it is for you to focus on your own happiness.
In the end it is your subconscious that is trying to find a way for you to survive emotionally. And unless you survive emotionally, you become sick physically.
So instead of perhaps starting to think that you are such a terrible person, I would love to recommend watching Tim Fletcher on You Tube.
It is the most helpful thing and a life saver to get you to understand where you yourself are, and why.