
Came across this Interesting Youtube video by Dr Eric Berg regarding ALs

Cover, once again, you were at a Skilled Nursing Facility for rehab. This Berg fellow is talking about Assisted Living.......a totally different experience entirely. A resident of a "bad" AL can simply walk out the front doors and never come back. Move out and find another place to live. Do you realize that? Lumping nursing homes in with Assisted Living is like comparing apples to hot dogs. Furthermore, Berg is pointing out the amount of prescriptions DOCTORS prescribe for their patients in AL. The patients who are always complaining of this that and the other thing hurting. It's up to the POA to keep track of meds and speak to the doc if too many meds are prescribed.

Thanks for taking the time to research all of this.
Everyone has an anecdote.
Everyone has an accusation.
Given our daily busy-ness I think we don't often follow up; we simply react.

See lealonnie1's response below.

People are free to view and consider the video and come to their own conclusions, hopefully also balancing it by reading the multitude of posts on this forum of very positive facility experiences for LOs, my MIL being one of them.

Of course anyone can find bad facilities, just like there are bad chiropractors -- like the one who broke my friend's sternum, or the one who misdiagnosed my FIL's back pain as "being out of alignment" instead of pancreatic cancer symptoms, or the one who didn't figure out that my SIL's pain was from a gall bladder infection. Sorry but *my* opinion is that chiropracty is a quack-filled money mill.

"Caveat emptor" = "Buyer, beware" (Latin)


You're welcome, Thank you. Hopefully the above link will work. It is an interesting video.

Thank you, lealonnie1

I hope the above posted link will work (I wound up posting it manually) Thank you for more information on Dr Berg, This is quite interesting. There is another Dr similar to Dr Berg, but I can't locate his channel, yet. He gives information that really makes you think.

I don't know about other facilities, (obviously:}, but it was true at the one I was at with regards to the medication. It was so bad, even the NP left and eventually the Administrator was asked to leave as well. She really did not "connect" with the residents to see how they were doing or if she could be of help.

Food, spot on, there was stuff served that should not have been along with having very popular vending machines with junk food and pop. Ironically, she is a dietitian, yet there was a display stand of pop and chips at the reception desk in front of her office.

Thank you guys, i hope this works, I found it interesting.

There is no link here cover.

Eric Berg (c. 1972– is an American quack, antivaxxer, chiropractor, cholesterol denialist, conspiracy theorist, scientologist and ketogenic diet advocate. Berg promotes pseudoscientific health advice and quackery. Berg is not a medical doctor. Berg practiced chiropractic for 29 years and is now a full-time YouTube blogger who has made thousands of videos offering health advice and many topics, such as autism. Furthermore, most chiropractic councils prevent their members from treating autism, as they recognize that their members are not trained to do so. Berg has over 10 million subscribers and claims to have made over 5000 videos.
Berg operates the Health and Wellness Center in Alexandria, Virginia. He describes himself as "one of the top ketogenic diet experts in the world". Berg makes many errors in his nutrition videos but does not correct his mistakes. In 2021, he confused dietary cholesterol with serum cholesterol.

In 2024, Berg came out in support of the pseudoscientific carnivore diet. Recently Berg made crazy claims that fasting can "Replace Our Entire Medical System".

Berg also peddles his own line of "Nutrionals" and claims Fasting will replace the entire healthcare system in the country.

As far as the YouTube video goes, Berg says AL residents are taking "too many prescriptions" which I would take up with the doctor who prescribed them.

I don’t see the video? would love to have access, thanks for posting

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