
First, the good news: Chuck is doing very well with his liver transplant. April 29 will mark the one year anniversary of his transplant at the Mayo Clinic. He's showing no signs of rejection, is off 80% of his medications, and his follow up tests and visits show him to be a super star. He's back to photographing birds every morning with my son, even in minus 5 degree weather, so that pretty much says it all. My avatar pics are of his birds.

Now for the bad news: I've mentioned before having a surface melanoma on my arm removed in October of 2021. An "in situ" mole of no consequence where all the melanoma 'was removed successfully'. This was a result of having a dozen beauty marks on both arms blow up like balloons after the 2nd Covid shot, grow scabs on them, and when the scab fell off, the beauty mark disappeared entirely. Except for the one. And all of it was not successfully removed after all, as a few cells must've escaped into my body and caused metastatic stage 4 cancer in my lymph nodes, liver, and bones. I went to the ER 3 weeks ago for excruciating pain in my left side where a CT scan with contrast was ordered. The cancer was discovered at that time, and I've spent the last 2 weeks in testing. The cancer is not in my brain, thank God.

The Oncologist told me there is immunotherapy available now for malignant melanoma. 2 types at once, administered via IV (no port) every 3 weeks x4. That's the goal. To turn on my immune system to kill off this cancer. 50% of immunotherapy patients are alive 2 years later. Idk what the percentage is at the 5 year mark. I've avoided doing research bc I'm overwhelmed enough already.

I'm having tremendous pain in my spine, ribs and liver, where the cancer is the worst. The Oncologist gave me some heavy duty pain meds and told me to wait it out until the IV starts kicking in to relieve my pain. He said I would live less than 2 months without treatment so my first treatment is tomorrow morning. The side effects can be gnarly and these infusions WILL kick my butt, he said. I'm ready, I think. Ain't no beauty mark gonna take ME down at 65! 😑

I'm useless at home, so Chuck is doing everything. Laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, driving to appointments. I have a housekeeper coming in to do the heavy cleaning and my stepson and his wife are cooking 7 dinners for us and bringing them by on Saturday. I have to make sure HE'S not overworked during this treatment process to where he gets sick. He's already overcome with worry and shock over all this as it is. I'll ask my stepson to repeat that meal making plan, too...they want to help & we need help.

We've had a lot to deal with the past year, and now my issues, which were there all along, just not apparent until recently. We wouldn't have been able to handle TWO of us sick at once anyway, so this is how it had to play out, I suppose.

The one bright spot I hold onto here is the dime I found on the floor of the ER room I'd been in ALL DAY where there was no dime on the floor. And when the gal was wheeling me back into the room from the CT scan, there it was. I kicked it across the floor to Chuck and he said, "what's that?" I said, "it's a dime from dad, telling me everything will be alright." He was speechless. Dad used to send me dimes all the time after he died in 2015, but stopped the past few years. I have a whole piggy bank full of them.

We can use all the prayers we can get right now, friends. I believe in prayers, in miracles and in signs from our deceased loved ones that they are with us in tough times. If you do too, please send up some prayers for Chuck and I right now.

Many thanks.

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"Scanxiety" is the word the cancer community uses.

Thank you Golden 😘😙😊

(((((((((lea)))))))) Never doubt that you are a very special lady. You have an enormous amount of spunk and a huge heart.💗 I don't have enough words to express my respect for you and how you and Chuck have handled your illnesses. You certainly are one of a kind - an amazing kind. Perfect, no, but amazing, yes! You are an example of how to do adversity with glitter.🌟

"Leave a little sparkle wherever you go and watch the world light up around you". 

This is you!

Thanks ladies. I'm not a marvel or amazing in any way, I just deal with what's put in front of me, and not always with grace and acceptance either. None of us know what we're made of until a stage 4 cancer diagnosis is laid at their feet, that's for sure. This vision chaos has been very frustrating and challenging for me. I'm praying HARD that no more obstacles get in my way for the cataract surgery. My PET scans are twice yearly now which is great bc that CT machine with the sugar contrast picks up on EVERY tiny imperfection in my body and gets everyone all nerved up. It showed a pimple on my butt 2 scans in a row which forced a biopsy (negative) that caused a big issue of its own with healing. It showed a false flag in my breast tissue which led to an unnecessary mammogram and ultrasound, showed a CALLOUS on my foot as cancer, and a cancerous spot on my tonsil which was nothing, and on and on. To say these scans are anxiety producing is a gross understatement!!!! What a relief to only deal with them 2x a year now.

Thank you all for the support and kind words XOXOXO

Girl, you’re amazing.

That you still come here despite your vision challenges and are helping others is a wonder!

So thankful for you and how you’ve talked so many of us off of a ledge when we were so desperate.

May God grant you a successful surgery on your cataract!

Lea, I am so sorry you are having complications with your health.

Glad to hear Chuck is doing okay. 3 years post transplant is impressive.

Said a prayer for both of you.

Thank you for the update. It must be so very frustrating to have your vision so limited. I hope the upcoming surgery happens without any issues and your vision is restored. I'm glad for the good reports you've received.

Lea, I am to happy to hear about your NED and that your husband is 3 years post transplant. Just so glad for you both.

Good luck with your eye surgery.

Oh, Lea! Such good bits of news! I hope the immune suppressing drugs are beneficial. Thank you so much!


You are a marvel!

I often think of you when I'm feeling sorry for myself for
something/anything. I think if Lea can still be there for others
why can't I?

I don't know that I could maintain any kind of positivity
given your circumstances. I know you probably have your
moments but I would most likely be curled up in a fetal

Stay strong. Both you and everyone on here.

Thanks to graygrammie for reaching out and getting us a good update. Please know you’re both still often on my heart and mind

Hi GG. No, you haven't missed any updates, I stopped doing that awhile ago when things stopped changing. Sunday will be 2 years since the infusion that screwed me up but got rid of my cancer. Im still plagued with dizziness, ringing in my ears and bad Uveitis in both eyes. I can't see now due to bad cataracts and glaucoma caused by the eye drops. The new Uveitis specialist who came on board agreed to remove one cataract in 3 months time if the inflammation stays minimal. I'll go on immunosuppressive drugs next week to try to keep that inflammation controlled and to keep it controlled afterward, hopefully. That's the plan. I can only read on a tablet where the font can be enlarged, and can only see shapes on tv.

I started PT for vestibular therapy in Sept I think it was. It's not helped me much, I can't get past a certain point w/o the vertigo symptoms getting SO BAD they incapacitate me. But I still do the head exercises which are for balance. I've come a long way from where I WAS 2 yrs ago, thank God.

Still No Evidence of Disease *NED* on the PET scans 😁

DD married in November and it was a fantastic wedding. We all looked beautiful, especially the bride.

Chuck is coming up on his 3 yr liver transplant anniversary, believe it or not, and down to monthly blood draws now!

We've both been quite sick the past month with what's being called the "para flu"......extreme cough, wheezing, stuffy nose, extreme fatigue and I've had a low grade fever for 3 weeks now. Recovery is a witch with a capital B 😑

Thats about it. I hope you are doing well after losing dh unexpectedly, I've thought of you often GG. And everyone else on this thread who's been so kind to me. Love to all.

Lea, have I missed some updates from you? I was thinking about you this morning and wondering how you are.

The bouquet is so pretty! Love the autumn oranges!!!!

Thanks everyone, I had a great time making the bouquet and am now working on framed Christmas Santa sleigh's with jewels on a black velvet background. Keeps me occupied and using my creativity.

Oh Lea the bouquet is amazing. You did a great job mixing the vintage items with the flowers. So glad you were able to create such a unique and beautiful piece.

What an exquisite piece of art you created for your daughter to carry. You can certainly tell that it's made with love.

Lea, that is gorgeous! I couldn't picture what you were going to make but now that I have seen it, just wow!


You do very pretty work. It’s such an exciting time for your family. Thanks for sharing with us.

What a unique and gorgeous bouquet! Your daughter is blessed to get to carry something so special and you’re quite the artist, just lovely!

Exquisite Lea!
So happy for you, and thanking the Lord for you!

What a magnificent bouquet 💐 💐 💐!

Lea, the bouquet is just beautiful. I too am thankful you will be there.

I'm impressed, lea, The bouquet is absolutely lovely and your outfit sounds awesome. You are a talented and very strong lady and an encouragement to others. Bless God for his mercies.

Bring on the bling!!!! ❇❇❇

The bouquet is gorgeous Lea. Love the bling in the bouquet it is truly a work of art.

You're so welcome.

I'm so thrilled and thankful to God that you'll be there.

Exquisite! Yes! That's the word for the bouquet!

I think your outfit sounds perfect, Lea.
Saw the bouquet and it is exquisite!

Cxmoody was kind enough to create a link to share so everyone can see a few photos of the bouquet I created for my daughter's wedding.

Thanks to Colleen and thanks to God I was able to make this and that I'm still here to attend her wedding!! Hope you like it.


I love black with the jacket with silver rhinestones. Sounds fantastic.

WOW, Lea, your outfit sounds stunning...You will look GORGEOUS!!!

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