My mother has been in and out of the hospital, we have tried everything to cure this. She’s getting used to the antibiotics and it’s getting harder and harder to fight this off. She has estrogen ring, she currently comes home and if she’s good, maybe it last two or three weeks and then we’re right back at the hospital I’m just looking for some other solution or care that we can do or is there someone that specializes in this she has seen multiple doctors we do all the other things that people talk about supplements they preventative pills, etc. I’m just running out of options and need some help.
“Bladder Care”, which jumped off the shelf at the Library. One thing I didn’t know about “recurrent UTIs and longer term low-dose antibiotics, usually used for at least three months. When the bladder has become swollen or inflamed after recurrent infections (cystitis), it is likely to continue to have recurrent infections until the lining of the bladder is allowed to heal. Preventing recurrent infections over a three or six month period is more like to allow the bladder lining to heal and to be able to stave off any further infection”.
“Cranberry juice helps to reduce the attachment of eColi to the bladder wall. Vitamin C can acidify the urine and make it hostile to some germs. Urinary alkalisers like Ural will reduce acidity and the stinging that is often felt, but are best used on a short term basis as they can prolong infection by bacteria that like an alkaline environment”.
I hope this helps. It was written by a panel of urologists.
Problem is that with this daily preventative treatment you are prey to yeasts, prey to worse yet C-Diff (which can easily KILL), and prey to antibiotics just not working at all because of resistance.
I am afraid this is not uncommon, and I wish I knew a solution.
The bladder under assault becomes more and more irritated. And with that it becomes more and more susceptible. I am so sorry.
Since this is a simple sugar it doesn't interact with other medications and there's no side effects (but if one has diabetes I would discuss this supplement with doc first just in case).
I rarely recommend supplements because they are mostly unproven (along with other issues) but I started my MIL (in a LTC facility) on these because she was having UTIs almost once a month and they were a low-risk experiment. It prevented probably 70%-80% of the number of UTIs she had in a year. This supplement works great if taken consistently. Order them on Follow recommended dosage on label.
Cranberry pills and Dmanoose also helped