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bigman Asked March 2016

I have mom's will from before she had dementia but has now passed. What should I do with the will?

My sister was poa and my mother passed away now, but I'm sure my sister will have one benefitting her help. My sister has been living off my mother for years had her declared unfit and moved her to home then palliative care. I do not know if she has a will that is even legal what should I do the will I have has a lawyer as executor and he also has passed but all monies were split between my sister and my self she has already taken over $300k from my mother and want to at least receive something from the money that was made by selling the family home. Also she planned the funeral as if I did not exist and we have been estranged for at least 2 years as I have made a police report about the thefts. She has made all funeral decisions without even consulting me in fact she has not even told me when it is and also how do I find out if she has some fake will she had my mother sign even though she has been acting as POA for over 20 years but the paper she filed was dated 2010 even though I have proof of her as POA from the 1990 area

pamstegma Mar 2016
Guess again. POA ends at death. It was not a POA.
Only the Executor can handle things after death. Get the facts.

bigman Mar 2016
the paper filed was the power of attorney I have no idea if there is a "will" other than the one I have here and she will not speak to me about it


pamstegma Mar 2016
" The paper she filed was dated 2010" Assuming that was a Will, and you did not challenge it within the specified time period, it will be executed as written.


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