
My MIL had a stroke 2 years ago that left her partially paralyzed on one side of her body and it severely affected her speech and also had some effect on her cognitive ability. She was diagnosed with vascular dementia due to the damage from the stroke. She also has COPD, HBP, 75 percent blocked arteries in both sides of her neck, GERD, stage 2 kidney disease, and a list of other ailments I can't remember right now. For 2 years leading up to her major stroke she had mini strokes or T.I.A.'s. She was warned by multiple specialists that she needed to stop smoking and take better care of her health- healthier eating, exercising, and quitting smoking and quit drinking sodas around the clock, etc. because the strokes would intensify and eventually kill her. Her response to that was it's her life and she would live it the way she wanted and that included smoking and not prioritizing her health and basically ignoring all medical advice. Every mini stroke she had and was hospitalized for she left the hospital against medical advice. When she had her major stroke, she lit up a cigarette while waiting for the ambulance! She has never cared about anyone or anything besides herself. She has always been an incredibly difficult person to deal with or be around. She appreciates nothing, is miserable and makes everyone around her miserable. None of her siblings visit or have a relationship with her because of how miserable and awful she was to them before her stroke. Every single friend, neighbor, coworker, you name it, has cut her off and it is always the other persons fault, never mind that she is the common denominator in all issues she has. We begged her for years to please follow doctors’ advice. We took off work multiple times to be there for various appointments and hospitalizations. Instead of taking it seriously, she relished in the attention she got from everyone. Her mindset was that if the strokes would kill her, oh well. She never considered being in the position she is now of being in a wheelchair without use of one side of her body, no ability to walk or care for herself in any way independently, practically no speech, and the loss of her home, car, relationships, everything! Now she is miserable and blaming everyone else, when she had multiple chances to prevent it all! We now know for certain smoking was for sure the culprit with the strokes because she hasn't had another one now that she hasn't been able to smoke for the past 2 years. It's been so hard having empathy and caring for someone who happily contributed to their own demise and is even more miserable and awful to those around her than she was before her stroke! And after all she's been through and all my husband and I have done for her, she STILL has no appreciation, still awful to my husband especially even though she has another son who has NOT helped with ANYTHING. But of course he's the favorite and the golden child. I won't even get started on the unhealthy codependent relationship they have. She thinks she should be the center of everyone's lives now. I'm at my witts end and often times I wonder why she even survived the stroke? She could care less about anything in life. She doesn't care about my husband's sacrifice to care for her every need in fact, she expects it. The experience caring for someone who NEVER cared about themselves and still doesn't has really tested my faith, strength, and patience! My husband has always been such a happy go lucky positive person and I've seen that steady dwindling over these last 2 years. He is well aware that his brother is the favorite child despite not being around, not being helpful, and not lifting a finger to help with anything meaningful. My MIL still refuses to help herself in any way, she refuses PT, OT, and speech therapy. She won't use any speech aids we've bought her, she won't engage in activities, nothing. She just wakes up and exists and gets angry at anyone in her orbit. Truly, truly OVER IT!

You tell us this of your MIL:

"She has always been an incredibly difficult person to deal with or be around. She appreciates nothing, is miserable and makes everyone around her miserable. None of her siblings visit or have a relationship with her because of how miserable and awful she was to them before her stroke. Every single friend, neighbor, coworker, you name it, has cut her off and it is always the other persons fault, nevermind that she is the common denominator in all".

Yet you ALSO tell us, that despite her virtually RUINING yours and your husband's lives you have continued to do care for her?

I must ask you, then: WHY?
You apparently are a person of faith (I am an atheist).
I am assuming you feel somehow obligated to give CARE to this woman?
Forgive me, is this not "throwing pearls before swine?" Your lord may want good works from you, but he also, if you believe him, gave you free will to choose those worthy of your sacrifices.

You and your husband are adults. If you choose to martyr yourselves to bad people I will be the last to praise you for it. It is a waste of a (god -given, if you're a believer) life. Being a Saint has a very nasty job description. Saints are shot through with arrows, then prayed to so they will fix everything for all eternity. I won't be applying.

“Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Galatians 6:8).
Nothing quite says it so well as the poetry of the bible.
If your goal is eternal life, then that perhaps is the reward you wish for?
Because in THIS LIFE, there will, I'm afraid, not be a whole lot of fun.

It's your choice. Only you can make it. I wish you well.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

That sounds just like my aunt who refused to stop smoking and had diabetes and had had a heart attack and kept on smoking until one day she just dropped dead. My uncle stayed with her and took care of her and didn't force her to go to the doctor and had to do CPR on her when she dropped dead. I thought that was incredibly selfish. I am a retired nurse and tried to tell her that this doesn't just "go away" and you can't self medicate diabetes and heart failure and she blocked me on Facebook. My Mom is just as stubborn ....the only reason she's still alive is because she's in memory care and I wouldn't let her be a stupid, stubborn idiot.
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Reply to Oregoncats

After a fall while transfering from the wheelchair that resulted in a broken hip, requiring surgery, she was admitted to the hospital. After speaking with the hospital social worker a few times about EVERYTHING that has been going on the past 2 years, she will be admitted to a nursing home in the new year! Due to no savings, and no preparation at all for aging or retirement, it's all she qualifies for through Medicaid.
My husband finally realized it's past time for this to happen.
The saddest part is that she is only 69! It's hard to imagine her living like this or us dealing with this for another 25-30 years.
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Reply to Praying4better
lealonnie1 Dec 27, 2024
Your MIL chose her life, in reality. Not that she "deserves" this, but she made her choices knowing they had consequences. You cannot give up YOUR life to care for HER now. She's lived life on her terms and now she gets to live her senior years in a nursing home as a result. It's sad, I know. Many alcoholics arrive at the same end....riddled with dementia and living in nursing homes or homeless. Best of luck.
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Time to place her. If she has money, maybe an assisted living. No money, a nice Longterm care. Just say, this is mot working.

I can't imagine what someone gets out of being a nasty person their whole life. Maybe its a personality disorder thing. I believe what goes around comes around before we leave this world. How we have treated others comes back at us. If shevis going to be miserable the rest of her life, let it be somewhere else. Then you just visit when you want.
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Reply to JoAnn29
Praying4better Dec 27, 2024
I too have often wondered over the years what she or anyone for that matter, gets out of being so awful to everyone. I for sure think there is a personality disorder at play. Sadly mental health is also something that was constantly neglected in her life.
My mother never smoked a day in her life and had many tia's and strokes. In fact, she took care of herself and still wound up with dementia. She was such a difficult person, however, that I vowed to never do any hands on caregiving for her. I set both parents up in Independent Senior Living, then Assisted Living and then Memory Care Assisted Living for mom when her dementia advanced and she became wheelchair bound. She lived to 95.

Why isn't your MIL in managed care where others can deal with her instead of your husband? Burn out is real. It's important to address it before SHE outlived YOU, God forbid.
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Reply to lealonnie1

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