
I recently bought this Blink mini pan-tilt camera.

So far I am very pleased but is missing one feature I would like.

It has motion detection but does not follow the subject if they move off camera. I can manually rotate and tilt the camera from my phone to look around the room but it is not automatic like I thought it would be.

When my husband falls, I would like to review to see how and what made him fall as well as possibly tell if he hit his head.

I just looked at the Wyze brand that has been mentioned here before and it seems to have that feature, but I'd like to know if those with that brand have been pleased.

The price of individual cameras seem to be coming down. Does anyone have another brand you are using and highly recommend?

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I ended up returning the Blink camera and now have Eufy Cameras... pan and tilt as well as stationary cameras.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to KPWCSC

We installed Wyze cameras in Mom's home We've been happy with them. They have to be reset now and then, but not too frequently.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to LisaAnn1027

I just found this link:,Bottom%20Line:%20Security%20Companies%20Roundup,security%20company%20compared%20to%20Blink.

This article is from August 29, 2024. I will be researching to see if there is an update to this concern:

Copied from article: "Editor’s note: Since this article was originally published, The Verge reported complications with Wyze home security cameras, including customers being able to see into other customers’ homes when accessing live video. Wyze has also reportedly failed to address the issue transparently with its customers. If you currently use or are contemplating purchasing a Wyze system, we recommend you take this into consideration. The Forbes Home editorial team is closely monitoring the situation and will continue to evaluate the company’s standing."
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to KPWCSC

I used the Blink cameras when my late husband was still alive and actually still have them at both my outer doors, and really like them.
Since you already have their mini pan-tilt camera, why don't you just invest in some of their stationary cameras and place them around your house in places your husband travels? That way you can track him as he travels throughout your home. And they are fairly inexpensive with no monthly fees so you really can't go wrong. Plus they are 2 way talk, so if you're out and about and you get an alert you can talk to your husband after you check in and he to you to make sure all is well.
I wish you well in finding what works best for you both.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59
KPWCSC Nov 29, 2024
Thanks for that thought. Can you see the view from each of the cameras at the same time on the app on your phone if you are trying monitor the movement or do you have to pull them up separately? This might be something to consider if it will show them all on one screen rather than having to pan the room. He is never alone so it is more for viewing after the fact if an event happens but I also like to monitor his movement when I am in a different room. All caregivers will know they are there. I will pose this question to their tech support.
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I will be following this to see what brands people like a lot. I hope, once you have a product installed you will let us know if you like it, if you think it a good value for cost, and if you are willing, share the price range with us.
I think this is a subject that will only get better, a need that will only increase, and would love to know what products don't require a master's degree in engineering to install and operate.
Good luck!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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