My mother has been in and out of the hospital and rehab since January 23, 2009. She is now home (first time in about 8 months) and has a care giver during the day that we pay for out of our pocket. When she was at rehab she fell out of bed and shattered her amputated leg, having to get it re-amputated. Her medicare is now in days. We have to find someone that can change her every two hours during the night. My father was a veteran. Are there any programs that might help my mom? She lives with my sister who is a school teacher and cannot stay up all night changing her and then go to work the next day. We are at our wits' end. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
This will give you some idea of finding funds. The VA may be able to help. I'd check with them, too.
Also, go to the state Web site and look under aging services. The Family Caregiver Support Program is available in some form in all states. There should be contact information on the site.
Good luck,
There are conditions that must be met.
A veteran cannot receive both Aid and Attendance and Housebound benefits at the same time, but they can receive a pension and ONE of these benefits. The paperwork is extensive and you'll have to provide a lot of documentation. Once submitted the benefits if granted are retroactive to applying because processing can easily take 6 mos. I don't recommend doing it yourself because IF THERE IS AN ERROR in the application, lacking proper documentationor not completely filled out, you have to start all over and it is not considered retroactive anymore since it was wrong. CONTACT your LOCAL V.A they have staff that will help you.
If your Mother gets sick, and your Father qualified for these benefits, she qualifies also if conditions are met.
I hope this helps