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What have you already done about contacting VA with the ID numbers and facts?
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Find your local Veteran's Benefit Office (VBO) and/or Veteran's Service Organization (VSO). Start at, the homepage lower left corner, and search for one of these near you.
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Reply to MyNameIsTrouble

If the veteran is already receiving health care from the VA, they should have a social worker assigned to them. They can give info as to the benefits that might be available since they vary depending on several things such as if there is a service connected disability. For instance, my husband has a 20% disability rating and we receive 28 hours per week home care assistance. This is not connected to the VA Aid and Assistance program many have shared about. The Caregiver Support System has been expanded and it is a great resource for the caregiver... they even provide a social worker for the veteran's caregiver. The first place to check for information is the VA medical center that is closest to you. If the veteran is not registered in the VA health care system, that is where to begin. If the veteran is registered, then back to my first suggestion... get in contact with veteran's social worker... then ask about the Caregiver Support System. VA Aid and Attendance has financial requirements but there are many other benefits that are only based on the Veteran's service or disability rating.
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Reply to KPWCSC

This really is a duplicate posting.

Your best bet is to contact the VA Dept in your county to find out what is available for your spouse. If you havevany health problemsvand need help, you can ger Aidvand Attendance too. VA benefits depend a lot on years served, if retired or not. I know 2 men who go to the VA hospital and use it as a supplimental to Medicare. The wife's are not allowed this benefit because they aren't Vets.
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Reply to JoAnn29

I gave you this answer from Google on the other question you posted:

VA Aid and Attendance (A&A) is a monthly benefit that provides tax-free payments to veterans and their survivors who need help with daily activities or are housebound. The benefit is added to a veteran's monthly VA pension. 

Eligibility Veterans who served during wartime, Spouses of disabled veterans, Surviving spouses, and Surviving parents. 

Conditions that may qualify for A&A 

Needing help with daily activities like bathing, eating, or dressing
Being bedridden
Being a patient in a nursing home
Having limited eyesight
Applying for A&A
Fill out VA Form 21-2680 
Mail the form to the state PMC 
Provide a report that details the applicant's physical or mental impairment, ability to get around, and what they can do during a typical day 
Where to learn more, Veterans Benefits Administration (.gov),, and VeteranAid.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to lealonnie1

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